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JavaScript is a scripting language from Netscape that is only marginally related to Java. The difference is that Java was built as a general-purpose object language, while JavaScript is intended to provide a quicker and simpler language for enhancing Web pages and servers. JavaScript can be used to fully control Netscape and Microsoft Web browsers, including all the familiar browser attributes (see JavaScript Resource Center for additional information). Below are some examples of JavaScript:

JavaScript Description

URL Address and Restrictions and Conditions of Use

This script allows users to add matrix-like animation effects to the background of your web site.

This JavaScript has no restrictions as long as you conform to the Terms and Conditions.

This JavaScript contains a code for playing videos in popup windows with JavaScript, and still make it accessible to the users without JavaScript. A major plus for this code is that it addresses accessibility issues because the script will detect the encoding type to tell the browser what plug-in to use to interpret the file based on the video file’s extension. In other words, this JavaScript is more adaptable to individual user's capabilities.

This JavaScript has no restrictions as long as you conform to the Terms and Conditions.

This JavaScript allows you to dynamically change the color of your background. Background color is controlled using onMouseOver, onMouseOut, onClick, and a combination of all of them over links on your site.

This JavaScript has no restrictions or conditions.

This script is designed to open a window when the users are leaving your site. For example, when they leave your site you can open a window that says thank you for visiting.

This JavaScript has no restrictions or conditions..

This JavaScript displays random images on your web site. This allows the website to display use several sets of images on a rotating basis while still keeping the website consistent.

This JavaScript has no restrictions or conditions.

All the above JavaScripts are both free and copyright free without restrictions or conditions on use unless stated otherwise below the URL address. Please feel free to continue your graphic experience and browsing by visiting our Animation, Backgrounds, Clipart, and Buttons sections. For more information on how graphics can enhance your site, please visit our Graphics section.