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Why Use Graphics on a Web Site?

There are several reasons such as illustration, navigability, and unification to name a few. Graphics can illustrate what the text is trying to say and much more. Graphics also help individuals keep track of where they are on the site. For example, using navigation bars that include graphics can aid visitors with locating the navigation bar quicker. When used consistently, graphics can help visitors know if they are still on your site or if they have changed sites.

Precautions with Graphics:

First, Make sure that the graphics used are related to the subject matter of your web site. For example, if your site is about cars then do not put food graphics up on it. Second, use graphics sparingly. In other words, do not make your entire web site a haven for graphics. Graphics are suppose to enhance your site, not take away from it. Third, keep accessibility issue in mind when using graphics (see accessibility guidelines for more information). For example, research has shown that strobing images cause seizures in epileptic individuals and since it is quite possible that an epileptic person may visit your site, you should tone down strobing whenever possible.

Types Of Graphics That We Offer For Our Web Sites:

Additional Web Design Resources:


