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Mission Statement:

Valioso means "precious" or "rare" while perla means "pearl" or "beauty." The name is symbolic of the type of web designs and sites that this corporation strives to create. Valioso Perla Web Designs is committed to designing and maintaining web sites that are exquisite, useful and compliant with the client's vision and accessibility guidelines .

Description of the Site:

We follow the steps below when creating a website:

I. Prepare & Plan
II. Design & Produce
III. Launch, Test, Maintain & Improve

For more detailed information on our procedure, please read Process section. This section also is an explanations of how we develop meta-tags based on how search engines catalog and describe the sites that we design.

The Graphics section has graphic resources that are copyright free including, but not limited to, the following: clip art, backgrounds, animations and buttons. Sources to other page design resources such as Javascripts, guestbooks, and counters are also included on this page.

The Host section includes information about free and paid host sites including a comparison of features, costs, and benefits.