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Counters are devices that track the number of people who visit your Web site each day. They display graphically the number of hits your Web site receives. It should be noted that you can make counters visible or invisible to visitors. Below are some examples of counters:

Counter Image

URL Address and Restrictions and Conditions of Use

This counter image has no restrictions as long as you conform to the Terms and Conditions.

This counter image has no restrictions as long as you conform to the Terms and Conditions.

This counter image has no restrictions as long as you conform to the Terms and Conditions.

This counter image has no restrictions as long as you conform to the Terms and Conditions.

This counter image has no restrictions as long as you conform to the Terms and Conditions.

All the above images are both free and copyright free without restrictions or conditions on use unless stated otherwise below the URL address. Please feel free to continue your graphic experience and browsing by visiting our Animation, Backgrounds, Clipart, and Buttons sections. For more information on how graphics can enhance your site, please visit our Graphics section.