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Mid Town, Tullibody -
Midtown was the name given to the area at the north end of the old Main Street. The two-storey building at No. 24 Main Street was the birthplace of the botanist and geologist Robert Dick (1811-1866), also associated with Thurso, where he earned his living as a baker, The house was demolished in 1958.
New Row - New Row was also known as Barrel Row. It led from Main Street towards the Delph Pond, hence its later name of Delph Road.
North Close was a short street that ran between Ochil Street and New Row. It was lined with single-storey cottages and was home to Miss Jamieson's and Mrs. McRae's confectionery shops.
In 1902 a Coronation Tree was planted at the corner of North Close and Delph Road in the vicinity of Jock's well. When gas was introduced to the village in 1904 the first lamp to be lighted was the one nearest the Coronation Tree. Mrs. Kinmond, wife of the local headmaster, performed the ceremony.
Baingle Brae House exhibited Palladian features. Built in 1834 for Alexander Paterson of Tullibody Tannery after he had visited Italy, it was still occupied by Jane Paterson, widow of his son John, at the turn of the century. It disappeared together with its seven acres of gardens under the 1960s housing programme.
Tullibody & Cambus Co-operative Society - The Co-operative Society premises were located in Ochil Street. David Alexander's was shop two doors along. Alexander, who died in 1903, had set up as a general merchant in Tullibody in the 1880s. According to his obituary in the Alloa Journal he was an enthusiastic curler, as well as being a pillar of Alloa West U.F. Church and a' staunch Unionist'. His widow carried on the business until 1916, when she sold out to the Alloa Co-operative Society Ltd. Alexander's, shop was converted into the Drapery Department of their Tullibody & Cambus Branch. It was gutted by fire only a year later.
Public Park - About the end of 1923 the Alloa Parish Council purchased a field on the East Side of the Cambus Road and laid it out as a Public Park - the present Public Park in 2001. -