My Redeemer > Bible > Psalms > Truth in Action throughout Book 4

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TRUTH that Psalms teaches ACTION that Psalms invites
1. Instruction about piety
Fervent intercession for the church is a sign that distinguishes the pious.
Intercede for GOD's people to be brought to repentance and avoid punishment.
2. Showing respect for GOD
A humble posture in worship reflects a humility of heart.
Humble yourself before the LORD kneeling and inclining your hear while you offer worship. Open your heart to GOD and his will.
3. Keys for a wise life
The wise gratefully receive divine discipline. They also avoid putting things off for later and other forms of wasting time.
Expect and be thankful for the LORD's discipline.

Use time well and wisely. Understand that losing time is missing out on part of your life.

4. Key lessons in faith
Faith centers its attention on GOD, his Word and his promises. But faith also turns its eyes toward the blessings received from GOD to strengthen oneself. Faith permits us to confidently turn to GOD when there are problems and receive His protection.
Make a recount periodically of GOD's blessings as a source of strength and faith.

Turn to the LORD to find consolation when you are assaulted with anxiety.

Rest in Christ, deposit your affection in Him, and recognize him in everything. Rest in his protection.

5. Steps toward holiness
As holy people it is better that we don't look at or think on things that are inappropriate for a life set apart to serve GOD and his purposes.
Guard your eyes jealously. Your inner life is affected by the things on which you center your attention.

Rest only in that which pleases the LORD.