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TRUTH that Leviticus teaches ACTION that Leviticus invites
1. Steps toward a dynamic devotion
GOD wants our devotion to Him to guide the way that we live. The Bible suggests several ways of organizing life in such a way that it expresses a zealous devotion to GOD. A devout life is centered in the knowledge of and service to GOD.
Know that companionship with GOD requires time, energy and resources that we normally use in another way.

Be constant in your zeal for the LORD. a half-devotion isn't worthy of Him.

2. Keys for an effective service
Leviticus is a book of service. It has much to say to the believer about how GOD wants all ministry to be conducted. Because every believer is called to some kind of ministry (see Eph. 4:11-16), these instructions have a great importance.
Serve the LORD with the best of your efforts. Assure that your ministry is free from pride, ambition or lack of consecration.

Nourish your ministry constantly with prayer ("incense") and be filled with the Holy Spirit ("oil") while you are occupied in any ministry activity.

Avoid mixing the activities of the spirit with those of the flesh when conducting your ministry.

Don't pressure any beginner to enter a ministry prematurely. It's fruits could be diminished.

Be prepared constantly to give testimony of your faith in Jesus as LORD and Savior.

Leaders, minister with modesty, love and humility. A rude and demanding leadership misrepresents the character and nature of GOD.

3. Keys for moral purity
Moral impurity is highly destructive to spiritual life and personal relations. Matrimonial faithfulness is sometimes used in the Old Testament to illustrate, by analogy, cases of spiritual idolatry and infidelity. Impurity compromises the integrity of our minds, hearts and bodies. GOD tells us to flee from it because of its destructive power.
11:47; 15:31
Avoid all moral and spiritual impurity.

Reject and avoid every form of sexual and moral impurity.

Know what GOD's opinion is about homosexuality. It can be considered a serious perversion. Although He offers his grace to homosexuals, he doesn't approve these practices.

4. Instructions for living a pious life
Although dedicated to all the various forms of Hebrew ceremony and ritual, the Book of Leviticus can be used by every believer who seriously seeks to live a life of piety in Christ Jesus. In Him it's clear that piety isn't just an option for those who want to live in a way that pleases the LORD.
Recognize that we are inclined to sin by our own nature.

Honor GOD's servants with your offerings

Honor your parents. Avoid despising your progenitors of advanced age as happens in the world.

Study and know the Bible. Practice reading it faithfully. GOD blesses obedience, but considers unfaithfulness as hostility toward Him.

Know that GOD is especially concerned for everyone whom He redeems.

5. Keys for confronting sin
Like a cancer, sin can grow rapidly and affect the life of an entire church or nation. GOD demands that we confront it with decision and firmness. Only in this way can we be freed from its influence. GOD can't accept sin because of His holiness, which is why we can't underestimate it or confront it timidly.
5:1; 19:17
Don't tolerate errors of which you are aware. Oppose sin.

Remember that you are even responsible for those sins of which you aren't aware. Be appreciative when the Holy Spirit convicts you of sin, and repent each time.

5:5; 26:40
Confess your sins quickly, frankly and openly. Hiding them only hardens your heart.

Always, whenever possible, make restitution for the sins that you have committed that harmed others, as part of a genuine repentance.