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TRUTH that Numbers teaches ACTION that Numbers invites
1. Keys for knowing GOD and his ways
Numbers reveals much of the character and ways of GOD. Moses' prayer in Exodus 33:13 should reign in the heart of every believer. Much can be learned about GOD and his ways when we observe his relations with Israel.
Know that not every restriction or opposition comes from the devil. GOD often opposes those whose ways don't take Him into account.

Understand that GOD is immutable, that his nature, his character and his words always have value and permanence (see Heb. 13:8).

23:23; 24:10
Know that GOD is with you. The LORD can even transform curses into blessings and utilize the evil destined for you for blessing (see Rom. 8:28).

2. Steps toward a dynamic devotion
The devotion that GOD expects from his people is the constant theme of Numbers. The law of the Nazarites and the lives of Caleb and Joshua offer examples emphasizing the type of devotion that GOD approves. They are lifted up as outstanding examples of devotion in the midst of generalized infidelity.
Consecrate yourself completely to the LORD. GOD calls all his people to live entirely dedicated to Him.

Allow the LORD to develop in you the spirit of Caleb and Joshua. Follow the LORD with all your heart.

3. Instructions for growing in piety
The Book of Numbers offers several important instructions for building up a life that grows before GOD. Holiness isn't something that we achieve automatically by participating in religious activities. It's rather the result of a conscious pursuit of GOD. All aspects of a consecrated life are important, from the attitude that we assume with GOD's community, to the way we embrace the truths of our redemption.
Honor the ministerial gifts that GOD has given to the Church (see Eph. 4:10-13).

Gather often with GOD's people. Make the gatherings with the people of GOD an important part of your life in Christ.

Regularly set aside a time period in order to remember what GOD has done for your redemption. Celebrate these things wholeheartedly.

Put your eyes on the sacrifice of Jesus (see John 3:14,15). Trust in his death as a sufficient sacrifice for your sins.

Live in such a way that others will know that you don't consider yourself a part of the world.

4. Steps to confront sin
Numbers reiterates that it's important for GOD's people to know how to confront sin. The seduction of the Midianites and the aggressive serpents serve as analogies to demonstrate the vicious and virulent nature of sin. GOD deals with sin without contemplation: the LORD calls his people to confront sin in the same way. Sin can't be allowed to prevail, but should be eradicated as soon as possible.
Confess your sins, and make restitution. Your restitution also belongs to GOD.

Confess your sins promptly, and lean constantly on GOD's provision to be purified of all your sins (see I John 1:7,9).

Energetically confront your own sins. Examine your own heart, and repent. Don't allow them to remain or grow inside you.

Confront sin. Every sin that you don't confront can be fatal.

5. Keys for feeling satisfied
Numbers emphasizes that GOD's people should be content with His provision. Discontent reveals lack of faith in GOD. The LORD knows our necessities and satisfies them at the opportune time. Faith makes us await that moment and , meanwhile, makes us content with the present provision.
Accept the place that GOD has reserved for you in His body. Trust that he has placed you there where he wants you to be (see I Cor. 12:18).

Don't complain because of difficulties. They are destined by GOD to help you mature spiritually.

Rejoice! Don't forget that the LORD is your inheritance because he has given you his Son and eternal life.

6. Lessons for leaders
Numbers offers several crucial lessons for leaders. Since leaders serve as examples, the Word of GOD has many recommendations for them to follow. All GOD's people can learn from these passages and gain by their application.
Share the responsibility of ministry with those whom GOD has placed in your care to make your ministry grow, not to limit it.

Honor the LORD as you GOD in the midst of his people. Never take credit for something that GOD has done through you.

Remember that you are responsible for preparing the successors of your leadership (see II Tim. 2:2).

7. Keys to relating with those who have authority
Numbers says much about relations with those to whom GOD has delegated authority. Some of the most severe divine punishments fell on Israel because of their rebellions against Moses and Aaron. These incidents offer clear lessons for believers nowadays.
Don't speak evil of the leadership chosen by GOD. Judgment and punishment are in His hands.

Never get involved in a rebellion against the leadership anointed by GOD. He energetically rejects this offense. Such rebellion sometimes ends with the punishment of the rebellious community.