posted 1.27.04 at 1:48am>>

...a new song is up in the lyrics's called "painless"...

...tighten the noose...


posted 01.30.04 at 1:58am>>

...god, will he ever stop? yep, you guessed it, Malice has posted more poems...not that it's a bad thing...the three newest are "...isolation..." and "...sELf iNfLiktid..." and " happy place..."

...tighten the noose...


posted 01.29.04 at 1:32am>>

...Malice has a couple of new poems in the poetry section...these are titled "...prey..." and "...secret admirer..."

...tighten the noose...


posted 01.27.04 at 1:47am>>

...Malice just posted a new song in the lyrics is entitled "Black Cats And Shattered Mirrors" will be on the upcoming album, "...slit your wrists..." we'll let you know when demos are ready...

...tighten the noose...


posted 01.24.04 at 1:13am>>

...check the poetry section...yep, two new ones, "...sanctuary..." & "...the brood..."

...tighten the noose...


posted 01.18.04 at 3:11am>>

...yet another new poem in the poetry section...Malice seems to be in a very poetic mood as of late...this new one is titled " for the camera..."

...tighten the noose...


posted 01.16.04 at 12:51am>> poem in the poetry section...very good work by's titled "...lovEqualShit..."

...tighten the noose...


posted 01.02.04 at 3:00am>> the newest poem written by Malice up in the poetry section. check it's called "...rising and falling..."

...tighten the noose...


posted 12.27.03 at 2:06am>>

...Malice decided that his dark poetry needed to be posted on the site, so i added a "poetry" link on the main menu you can all see what goes through the mind of Malice. enjoy...

...tighten the noose...


posted 12.24.03 at 12:55am>>

...Malice just got a new song written, check the Band News to see Malice's own words...

...tighten the noose...


posted 12.06.03 at 2:52am>>

...made the new "main" page, and also updated "band news"...

...tighten the noose...


posted 12.04.03 at 12:34am>> the contacts page all set up. contact us...

...tighten the noose...


posted 12.03.03 at 9:52pm>>

...slit your wrists is now open. welcome to the dead zone...

...tighten the noose...


posted 12.03.03 at 2:55am>> of slit your wrists, the official Crying Whilst Dying website, is now underway. the bloodflow shall soon begin...

...tighten the noose...
