-----NAME----- | ---IMAGE--- | --EXP-- | ------------DESCRIPTION----------- |
Rag Rappy | EXP=4,40,88 | A very weak enemy. Dont attack it too soon or it will run. Know to feign death. | |
AL RAPPY (rare) | EXP=100,184,280 | A mutant variation of the rag rappy, youre lucky if you spot one. They are more powerful, but you get a better payoff in more EXP and better rewards. | |
Booma | EXP=5,42,90 | The foot soldier of Falz in Forest, not a serious threat if you make sure you dont get surrounded. | |
GoBooma | EXP=6,43,92 | A more powerful version of the Booma slightly more health and greater EXP. | |
Gigobooma | EXP=7,45,94 | The ultimate Booma. | |
Savage Wolf | EXP=5,42,90 | This wolf stalks before attacking you from behind, can become annoying as it circles making locking on difficult. | |
Barbourus Wolf | EXP=7,45,94 | A powered up version of the savage wolf. Attack the leader and all the others will cast jellen and zalure on themselves making them weaker. | |
Mothmant | EXP=1,36,82 | A weak but annoying enemy, if they gang up on you, they can cause serious damage. | |
Mothnest | EXP=6,43,92 | The mothmant nest, you can either destroy this quickly to stop mothmants appearing or leave it till last to get more EXP. | |
Hildebear | EXP=10,49,100 | The strongest level enemy in Forest. Jumps into the fight from a distance. Has a powerful punch attack and can also use FOIE. | |
Hildeblue | EXP=100,184,280 | A kickass Hildebear. A very Rare monster, if you find one you should get a good reward...if you can kill it of course. | |
DRAGON BOSS | EXP=350, 2000, 4100 | The end of level Boss. A BIG monster, not that hard to kill if you know his routine. Sometimes drops the Dragon Slayer on Hard and Vhard modes. | |