Captions of the Week
Welcome to my featured capper of the week page. This page is for those who had me laughing so damn hard I nearly fell off my chair. Every week (as long as I'm not on vacation) I will add a new Capper to this page.

Watch as he unhinges and distends his jaw to swallow
the baby whole....

March 26, 20001

Oh come ON... if you're going to break into a car,
pick something WORTH IT!
November 28, 2000

"Well, it's similar to a wormhole, sir... the
Centaurians refer to it as a 'flaming asshole.'"
November 22, 2000

"The Ace Hardware Crowbar. When you absolutely,
positively, must pummel every $#%(#* in the room,
accept no substitute
August 18, 2000
Caption Of The Year 2000

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