What I was doing

wanna know what I have been up to? This is the place to do it at...


I have answered yet another question for yet another lost and unguided soul, go to
'Q'n'A', and I posted another Comic...Also, when ever I update, I usually post a new Fact, and I have added those Character Biography Thingies for the newer characters...Just thought I would mention that again...and I am still waiting to fly to my hometown California to start my new job...once that happens there will be a slight delay in comic production and update activity, but it will be worth it...after a few short weeks on the job this cracka will be bankin it...I will be bling bling like no otha worthless bum eva has...and then...my dream, my goal, my destiny...MY OWN DOMAIN NAME!!! thats right...fuck this angelfire crap-ola...when that goal gets closer to being completed I will take a survey/poll thingy to see what the better domain name will be...but untill then...just read the damn comics, ask me your damn questions, read my damn poetry and send me your damn poetry...OR ELSE!!!!


Well...To update every one on the current events on my life...as if any one cares...I got a new job and I will be traveling the U.S.A. processing loan applications or some such nonsense. So there may be a few delays in the updating of this site...I know that I just got it up and running again but those are the breaks folks...If I got paid for this stuff I would do it all the time...but since it is a free web shite you are just going to have deal with it...Any hoot, I figured I would go ahead and post a new comic today and add another pointless fact to the ramble page...go check it out....


Incase you still haven't gotten off your ass and checked out the old and new comics I am delaying updating for the weekend...and I added a hit counter to see how many of you people actually come here...So there is no fooling me...You can't just lie and say you checked out my site cause I will know...

LADIES AND GENTLE MEN!!! It is my honor to proudly present to you McFiction Second Edition...Since this is your first time here I would sugjest that you start reading the comic strips at episode one season one...Also feel free to explore the rest of this Web Shite, after all it is solely put up for display to please you, the viewer...and please don't make fun of my typos, it only angers me...I stay awake untill the buttcrack of dawn to update this friggin thing the least you can do is shut up and like it...
For those of you who do remember McFiction First Edition I bring to you: Digital Enhancement, Deleted Scenes, Directors Commentary, and Alternate Scenes. So you might want to go and read them all over again. Yes it is a glorious day indeed...And for those of you who might give two shits about the rest of this Web Shite I have also added new Poetry and Ramblings to the "MINE" section...You should feel free to e-mail me, Wizard 9er, any poetry, questions or rants you might want too...Other wise those pages in the "YOUR'S" section are just going to sit around and collect web dust.

These blurbs of information are what I was doing about three years ago...Probablly useless to you now but I couldn't find it in my heart to delete them.

I don't even know if I want to do this Web Site thing any more. I have had this thing for a year and what do I have to show for it? Jack shit. I have had very few submitted anythings, and the Q&A section gets fewer and fewer questions. I know for sure the comic isn't drawing in millions of fans. So this is a "sad pity me" type deal that will most likely go unnoticed like all the others that have drifted into the "past news" unread. So to those few who read this; e-mail me,Wizard_9er, and let me know you exist. Other wise this site will die. And I am not fucking around about this either

No I am not dead...yes.... They do have me working hours that can only be compared to the ninth ring of hell...me tired...me sweepy...so instead of a big CHRISTMAS SEASON COMIC to celebrate a holiday which is pointless and a waste of money...I decided to say FUCK IT and not draw nor do a damn thing...HA! You like that? I bet you don't...HOWS THAT FOR HOLLIDAY SPIRIT??? SUCK ASS BEANS AMERICA SUCK THEM AND LIKE THEM...and I just want to take this time to tell the ghosts of Christmas spirits that they will be wasting their time with me...Christmas past sucks, Christmas present sucks...and Christmas future when I die alone and no one cares...EHH!! I wont care either...I WILL BE DEAD!!! So BAH HUM BUG and all that rubbish...I prolly shouldn't even say that...it only further feed the illusion of happiness that you people have about Christmas...it is a "Christmas" story and Scrooge does eventually change his tune...but not me...so instead of Bah Hum Bug when ever some one says "happy holidays" I will casually say: "Go FUCK yourself"

Like I said...Comic posted...See...I can keep promises..yippy skippy yada yippy...and i made it one row bigger too, just to make up for all the bad things i have said about you...

Been busy at work...Working retail around this time of year sucks some major fucking goat ass...Gee...You know what that means...you guessed it...no comic...sorry but I'm too god damn tired...you want a comic? come down here and rub my aching feet and sore back...and then read me a bed time story and tuck me in so I can get a good night sleep...if you don't its your own damn fault the comic isn't getting posted...I have tomarrow off...So I will draw one then

I'm sorry....but it seems that when ever I try to be active with this silly thing shit starts comming up...that and I am a rebel in the purest form and I hate any kind of resposiblity....yeah...and you people....you people that do nothing in the way of letting me know that yay verily you actually check this site on a regular basis are a pain in the ass...I have to make "viewers" up in my head so I feel better about myself in doing this...None of you do any of the things that you can to make this site better....shame....shame shame shame....I hardly work and I barely slave over this thing for what? for what I ask you? so I can get yelled at by imaginary people in my head? NO!!! I do this for the hell of it...

Comic updated

I shed light onto another viewers meager life by answering his question. I drew upon the all mighty God and forged another comic...you prolly wont like it....but you know what? FUCK YOU!!! I draw the fucking thing I can draw some crappy ones every now and then if I want to. When you die I hope satan rams his fat cock through your eye socket while another demon shoves a jagged metal butt plug up your ass so far you have to shit through your mouth and piss out your ears for all eternity you God damned mother fucking shit kicking drooling cock sucking pus filled worthless sack of human fecies. Evolutionary Productions: We wish you were dead so we could have some peace and quiet around here.

Back from vacation...No comic...sorry sorry sorry...and I know the fact of the weak thingy has been sitting at the same one for a while...but i think the whole idea is pretty lame...i dunno why...just do...It is true that all knowlege is power...but my laziness has more power...oh...I did a small lil change to the place...I wonder if you will notice the Evolutionary Production plugs at the top of the screen with out me telling you they are there...hmm...guess we will find out...more to come kids...the change is slow...but it is changing

Well...went on vacation...still am on vacation...been back at this web site thing for barely a week...and im on vacation...kinda like the president....only im not in charge of a country...im in charge of...of....this poor excuse of a pass time...any hoot gonna be back....uhhhh....thursday or so

RIght now every thing pretty much sucsk to me...and so it in turn sucks for the rest of you...because of a certain some one who just so happens to be short and mexican and lives with me i feel nothing but hatred...no inpiration...sorry...no comic

I feel some things sometimes...and I feel it's time for a change around here...I will begin working on it while you guys have no clue what it is that I am doing...when I am done...I think you will know....Oh yeah...new comic posted

OK OK I posted a comic...I know I said that I would do 2 of them...but thats only because you have to remeber that nothing is sacred to me and I am a horrible bad wretched aweful person...at least according to my friends any way...so any hoot...get use to dissapointment...but at least I poseted one...

HAHAHAHAHA...Scared ya didn't I...You are prolly wondering where the hell the next comic is aint ya? well...It's thanksgiving...and even though I don't celebrate any holidays at all I still got invited to a friends house...and being the mooch that I am I couldn't turn down a free meal...any hoot, to make a long story short I will post two comics tomarrow just so you yyahoos will leave me alone...assholes

The Story has begun again...Read it...Love it...Come back tomarrow for more...Know me for what I truly am...or else...

I decided that I will leave the previous little tid bits of updated what nots and flim flams up for one extra day...the example of this is what you see now...This is so you are sure to know what it is that is going on here...right now you are all suppose to be going out and getting me followers so that i may begin writting the gospel. Wont do me no good just to write the damn thing and have no one read it...duh!

Life as you know it will change. Welcome the new erra of reality and kiss yer old conscious good bye. I will start things out with some viewer submissions. Then when I am sure I have your attention I will begin with the comics that we all love and adore. I have answered a few questions and posted a submitted rant. Tell the world about the second comming of Evolutionary Productions. And tell them soon. Other wise you might be responsible for them missing something that could be important that could have happened right here...you don't want that hanging over your head for the rest of your life do you?

Ok I lied...well...nto really...When I said I had internet connection it was true...but now I am laid off from my work so its no longer true...I am losing internet connection again...and I am sad...Im really going to miss it...and I am sure that all two of you who actually check this site regularly are prolly sad too..well...got to go...

I got Internet connection for a bit so I will prolly start doing some stuff around here soon....but fer now i am really really tired and sore and stuff from all the moving boxes I do at work....I know I know...you don't care...

There comes a time in every man's life where he takes a look back and says: "Wow...my web site is one year old now...yippiee"...Well in order to kick back and celebrate my websites 1 year aniversery...I will bring to your entertainment viewing pleasures...absolutly nothing!!! HURAY...but still...keeping a website like mine and not wanting to kill yourself over the total lack of any feasible fan base for a whole year is something to be mildly proud of...and all I can do right now is make another promise to you folks...one that I will prolly break yet again...but I will start drawing those comics we all so love and adore here soon....so Happy 1 Year Aniversery to Me...

Well folks...I know I have not been keeping up with this thing...which it is kinda hard too when you don't have a modem in your own computer and have to use some one elses...then you are prolly wondering why i have yet to buy one for my self...well thats simple...I DON"T HAVE A JOB...I am doing some temp work for a silly company and they pay pretty good but its only temporary....but I will buy a modem with what money I have left...any hoot...I got some great news...I will soon have my own account with a server one of my friends own...but intill then he set up a redirect where you can type in http://evolutionary.munkie.org and still come here to this site...go ahead and try it...sine its only a redirect the angelfire thingy is still at the top of the page but that will soon be bye bye...MUAHAHAHAHAHAHa...I am sure I have completly lost my fan base this time...but I thought I would make this entry any way...when i get my own modem or DSL or what ever I will start advertising my return...the comming of evolutionary.munkie.org...MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAAaaa.

Well...Guess who got some free time and wanted to let his fans out there know that he is still alive...Yeah...me alright...The new house is great...I still don't have internet connection for my computer yet but hey....im sure no one checks this site any more after that month long little gap of absolutly nothing changing on here...so no real big loss there...i will get you back...i will....just when you least expect it...i will get you back....also on this day every year I am suppose to go to a specially designated place to meet a special lil'lady so that we can keep in touch as we drift apart over the years...she knows who she is...and this is me saying in writing that I am sorry I can't make it...I tried...I really did...but things keep comming up...lets rechedule it for next week sometime if thats cool with you...and for the rest of you...just disregard that whole thing...its none of your business any way...you nosey little fuck heads...well...im off...good travels to you and you and your kin...and may your mouth never be filled with your mothers feces...

Yeah I know it has been a while since i have done anything here...but thats because I have lost ineternet connection...Then how in the hell am I making this update right now? well...I'm at my school thingy on their computers...stop being so god damn nosey...yeesh....Well an update on my life in case you care is I am moving next month...some time...so yeah...that means I am busy...if I am busy then nothing gets done around here so stop bugging me...Yeah I know the firends page is not up and the stuff about me page is not up...yeah...duh I'm the one who took them down...I have plans for this website...plans I tell you...plans....but I can't do that until I am settled down in my new appartment and got my internet connection up...The commics will start flowing again...and I got a few more ideas for some rants that have just been bugging the shit out of me...fucking world and humanity...man I hate them...all I want is for them to leave me alone and what do they do...they go and start doing all kinds of stupid shit making me leave my house and makeing me pay stupid ammounts of money...court fees my ass...any hoot I am outta here...class is starting again

To celebrate the FAN MAIL I got, I decided to draw a comic...go read it if you wish...Also I added a new poem of mine to the "Cackling" page (which I added recently) and uhhh...I got into a car accident...I have to attend class all next week other wise its pretty much wasting a 1,895 dollar chunk of change...so I will see what I can do during that time...but I am not making promises...I will most likely be tired and cranky

Something happend to me...Something odd that has never happened to me before...I got fan mail...FAN MAIL!...some one whom I don't even know wrote me and told me she liked the site...THAT'S CRAZY!...So I decided to get off my ass and do something...In case you didn't notice...

I took alot of things away...I moved a few things...More to come though...More to come...

Well...I have been going to classes to get my A+ certification and thats taken up pretty much allllllll of my time...So if you are wondering where my updates are...now you know...also...I have put the final paper work in for processing at a apartment place and everything seems to be going good so far...but im busy busy busy busy....

*ahem* I DREW A COMIC!!!
Now that I have said that, go check it out...oh and I would like you to meet some one too...Go to my friends page...she is the third one down...Her name is Katie...go...stare in awe at the wonderous woman I have captured and claimed as my own...Muahaahahaha, Muahahahahaww...oh...and uhh...I updated the fact thingy, posted the comic, and ummm....thats about it...

Well, I will be honest with you...I am Moving...Soonish I think...I am gonna take a few classes to become A+ certified and what not then I am outta here...I am moving to College Station...Its not far from here (here being my current place of living) but it is far enough to start again with a new set of problems and a new set of faces...I answered a question in the Q'n'A thingy...And people keep bugging me to draw a new comic...I am sure I have most likely lost a good portion of my fan base by now if not all...Which is understandable...I would have stopped comming here too...enough of me rambling...I'm going now...

Hmmm...Well I didn't really do the things I said I was going too...But then again when do I ever? I am thinking of stoping the Knowlege page due to an acute lazziness...The comic I am not going to start because...well...I got some things going down and they would interfere with me drawing again...So why start just to stop?

Surprised? Well I am...I am guessing you are wondering where I have been or what it is that I have been up to...well I am not going to tell you...Whats done is done and I am not going to try and make up for it...I will continue the comic here shortly...I will continue to answere what few questions you yahoos send me...And I will post rants and poetry...But the Knowlege page...Whooo Nelly did I fall behind on that...Im not even gonna try and make up for all the days I missed...I am going to make it a weekly thing...At the beggining of the week I will pop the newest one up here on top of the update center then put it in the Knowlege page when the week is up...makes it easyer on me...And if you don't like it...send all complaints to, This e-mail adress which I never check...


I don't know what to tell ya...I can't find time to draw comics...A yet unanmed friend told me once that I should get out more and stop sitting around feeling sorry for myself...Well thats what I did...I have gone out every day Since this whole Christmas break thingy started...It's pretty cool I guess...but it also saps my energy greatly...And it makes me feel weird...I have problems seeing in well lit areas, I feel itchy when I have to walk through a large crowd of people...and the list goes on...But all and all it's pretty ok I guess...but I haven't had time for you, the viewer...so lets do alittle vote type thingy...e-mail me,Wizard 9er, and tell me if you want me to get back to work on this site, or if you want me to get a life...



Well Well Well...5 days before the big day...the big crap day...the day of suck...the day of poop and crap and family and warm fuzzy feelings and a big swift kick in the pants...I hate christmas...every damn minute of it...BAH HUM BUG!!! no comic because I have been having company over for the past few days...I know I know...hermits shouldn't have company...but they don't have any where else to go...ok so maybe they can go to their families...but i know how crap ass families are...so I let them stay and interfere with my quiet alone time...but one of these days here soon I will think of somehting to draw and try to make you laugh with it...some one submitted me a question and it was kind of a wake up call to get back here and update this silly goose...so I did...question posted and answered...go check it out...but no comic...yet...(insert scary music)

Again you must wonder where the new comics have been...Well...it all started long about tuesday the 12th...I went to the mall and made a life changing purchase...The TooL Box Set...All I have been able to do is fall victim to its power and listen over and over to it again and again...all thoughts on the CD and hearing the oh so sweet melodies that are of TooL...Those of you who know how big of a TooL fan I am please understand me...and those of you who are as big of a TooL fan as I must know what it is I am feeling due to you owning your own Box Set as well...The live remix of Pushit is fucking awesome...I must go now...The gods that are TooL call me once again...

I appologize but angelfire didn't post my comic14.html page....you may have missed some comics...most likely three to be exact...12-12, 12-13 and 12-14...If you have read these then disregard this message if not...then i jusgest you do before reading 12-15...12-15 being todays comic

Tengo la carne en mi zapatos

YADA YADA...comic posted

Well I have come home...And the comic has come with me...go check it out...and leave me alone...unless you are submitting a question, or rant, or poetry...then I guess its ok to bother me

You are prolly wondering where the comic for today is huh? well to tell the truth I'm on vacation and I don't wanna do it...so there...ha ha ha...nanny nanny poo poo....but I will update the other pages and stuff..like just now i updated the submitted poetry page and added 2 more...go ahead and check it out...go...do it and leave me alone...im on vacation

Angelfire Servers are all messed up again....its not letting me upload files to it and it keeps kicking me off...sadly to report no comic, no new rants, no new questions, and no new poetry because of Angelfire...Lets all take this time to point the finger of blame at Angelfire and say "tsk tsk tsk"....Also I am going on vacation again...for a guy who sits around on his ass all day I sure do go on alot of vacations...but I will still jump on and see If i can upload things and stuff...so today nothing for sure....the future is "iffy" at best right now...but don't lose hope...this is not me losing inspirations...this is angelfire fucking with me...now im gonna hit the save button and see if it works

Ok last night was a little messed up and stuff...the update for today is a bit late because of it...And also some of my pages got messed up too but no biggie...I finally got 1 poetry entry....just 1....after all these days of asking for entries I only get 1...I asked for "entries"....as in more than 1...not just 1...The poetry page will pe posted now because it finally has a submission...1 submission...and Im not going to stick my own poetry on there because I already have a page for that....yeesh people...have a heart
Ok so I didn't actually find out when I start school as a Mourtician yet but they are sending me the stuff in the mail so it will be a few more days...Another comic is up...As if you ever doupted me...And again I would like to point the finger of blame at you, the viewer, and point out that none of you have been sending in Rants, Questions, or Poetry at all...none....gee thanks guys...way to show me you actually care... :(

Comic is up...and today is when I find out when I start school to become a Mourtician. More on that later

You guys had better be happy...I stayed up really late last night drawing today's comic...and I am now really tired because of it...and I get cranky when I get tired...and when I get cranky...no one really cares cause I'm usually by myself...BUT! if you were to see me cranky, BOY HOWDY! it would be sunfin aweful

WEEE DOGGY!! I posted a comic for you...go ahead...go look...I know how badly you want to. It is tomarrows comic 12-2-00 posted today. Because I got done with it today and just decided to post it. So it will be there tomarrow as well and tomarrow I am going to draw a different comic. I hope. Any hoot. I still haven't gotten any submisions of poetry or rants or questions or anything...so am I to assume you stopped comming here because I stopped rawing my comic?? how rude. Well I just drew one so come back damn it. Well, let me fill you in on whats going on in my life...Absolutly nothing...whoo hoo...I love being a hermit...I am going to start schooling to be a mourtician soon and thats about it...nothing fancy...Go read the comic, submit poetry and stuff, and I guess I will leave you alone now. >

Ok people I will be honest with you. All I have been doing for the past few days is playing vidoe games...I know it sounds lame but you don't understand how long it has been since I have played video games on my own computer in my own room shut of from the world and shut off from reality....Its wonderful...but I lose track of time. I just now realized I have not updated this thing in 2 days, non-the-less the facts page in god knows how long...Im sorry...I truely am...But this is just a free angelfire website and you are getting what you paid for by comming here...I know that might not make sense to some but it will to those who think about it...Cornell hit rock bottom and I have been there for a very long time...But I have work off tomarrow so I will do one of 2 things...sleep alot or draw a comic...At this point in time I don't know what one it will be yet...but I guess you will find out...I will at least jump on here late at night from now on and update the facts page and the update center...Also I would like to take this time to point a finger of blame at you, the viewer, and say "tsk tsk tsk"...Thats right...its your fault too this site is going no where...Do I not have a section where you can ask me any question and I will answer it? Do I not have a place where you can post rants? And it just suddenly hit me...maybe I can put up a web site where you can send in your own poetry and post it for all the world to see? Would you like that? send me,Wizard 9er, some poetry and I will post it for you...I will make the page when I get enough entries....So send me Poetry, send me Rants, Send me Questions, and stop comming here just to read my comic...There is more to this site ya know...

Cornell promises a comic for tomarrow...Seeing as how he is so much like me he also gets uninpired and lazy...but I at least didn't drop out after the first comic...yeesh...any hoot...I have heard rumors going around that poke fun at the way I misspell words quite often...well let me remind you viewers that...that...well...I don't really have a good excuse as to why I can't spell but deal with it...cause I do...every day of my life I do...and its a sad sad tragic story envolving deep seeded torment from my childhood...honest...any hoot...yada yada yada...Bush is president...whoo hoo...yippie...belive me when I say I couldn't be more sarcastic when I say whoo hoo and yippie...now if you will excuse me...I must be off

Well...every thing was going well...but now I can not get ahold of cornell to get his other comics...so...oh well..

JUST IN TIME FOR THANKSGIVING!! CORNELL'S FIRST COMIC HAS BEEN POSTED!! If you don't like it let me know and I will kick his ass...

Ok folks here is the story: I am a loser and I am bummed out and unispired and blah blah blah for personal reasons that shal remain untold. BUT!! I know this guy, Cornell, who is very much like me in pretty much every way I can think of...I met this guy on my vacation I took a while ago. AND!! seeing as how this guy is pretty much like me in every way I have agreed to allow him to DRAW a spin off from my comic...Thats right DRAW his own comic from my own while I get my loser act together and get reinspired...So he is right now working on his first comic to be posted and when he is done it shall be posted. AND!! if all works out I might just keep him around incase this kind of thing happens again (which it most likely will cause I am a loser) Keep your eyes peeled folks...SOON you will feel the power that is:

And in other news I was sent another rant and I'm gonna answer another question on Q'n'A

Here is a sad story...For the longest time I have actually been using my dads computer because mine was in the shop...My das computer usues Windows 2000, and absolute crap ass operating system...I have the brains enough to use Windows 98 still...unfortuanatly all the programs that I used on my dads machine to draw the comic and stuff does not work with Windows 98...So it will be another day or so before I can get things back to normal around here

Well I have good news and bad news for you...first the good news...I got my computer back finally. Bad news is I am not ready for a new comic yet. I have to go through and fix things up on my comp make sure everything is working properly and what not and I go to work early tomarrow as well so I can't stay up to late to do this. But things are looking up...there is a light at the end of the tunnel...bare with me folks...I got alot on my mind and alot of things to do to get rid of them...just hold out a bit longer.

I have hit a cross road so to speak in my life...But it has yet to hit...Friday is when it hits...and it will hit big...if it hits at all...I wont know the full damage until saturday...But its not bad...Its good...something I'm not to terribly use to...and I don't want to get my hopes up...If all works out I will be working for a guy who will pull in 2.5 million dollors a year...thats alot to wrap your mind around...here I am, a telemarketer making 77.25 dollars a week moving up to around a grand a week or how ever much he decides to pay me...Im not even certified in anything...he just likes my attitude and wants to keep me around...And I wanted to do in life was be a mourtician...Now I might be in the business of trading bank bonds...thats a big switch...so sorry kidos...no comics for a while...Friday when I am not at work I will prolly sit and draw a shit lot...so wait till then...please? wait...why am I asking nicely? you don't have much choice...ha

I am sorry to report that there will be no comic for today as well...and I am not going to tell you why....just be a grown up and deal with it insted of being a little pissy baby and cry...or else...and this is actually a test of my true readers...have faith in me...because I have very little in myself...and I got alot on my mind...thusly I can't concentrate on the comic...Sorry...

I am sorry to report that there will be no comic for today...and I am not going to tell you why....just be a grown up and deal with it insted of being a little pissy baby and cry...or else

I just drew my 31st comic on the 13th...I think thats pretty funny....I don't really know why....but it is...so enjoy my 31st comic which I drew on the 13th...I think I will call this little bit of art: "Tthe 31st Comic That I Drew On The 13th"...kind of catchy huh?

WHOO HOO! look at me I draw comics...yippy skippy...zippidy doo da...

Lets see...This is a site run by a Hermit...If you want news updates, go some where else...If you want reviews on movies and stuff, go somewhere else...if you want entertainment, go some where else...the out side world is irrelevant to me...Yeah I voted...And I voted for Nadar too...but I don't care who wins...I don't care if there is a war some where...Wait, I do...cause it will be my ass that gets drafted...That shit pisses me off...I in no way shape or form want to die for this country and all those innocent unborn children whose futures I will be protecting...I hate the ones that are born...I hate the parents who birthed them...I hate the people walking on the street...I hate the people in the stores...I hate the people driving to work...I hate the people driving home from work...I hate the people who e-mail me pointing out my typos...I hate the world...I am quiet sure I am not the only one who feels this way...I am quiet sure I am not the only one who has stated this...and that is why I hate people...There are so many of them I can no longer be original...None of us can...Its pointless...A screaming voice drowned out by all the other voices sscreaming at the same time...but I do not let it get to me...insted I smile at all of those who still try to break free and fail...Bitter you may call me...Nay...I am simply a Hermit...doing as a Hermit does...feeling as a Hermit feels...Just like all the others...For thats all we can do...is be just like all the other...

Well..in the exciting life of a hermit..i got my hair trimmed...and aside from that...absolutly nothing happened today....I know the excitment isn't for the faint of heart...but I don't care...your just wasting valuable resources...so save me the trouble and go shoot yourself...and George (you know who you are)...Save alot of people the trouble and shoot yourself too...and Opra...And Arnold...And N'Stynk...And Britney...And Bob...And Hey Zeus...And Danny...And Susan...And Regina...And Corey...And Meagan...And And...And That Guy...and I think that covers it...if you feel you should be on this list please save me the trouble of reading the e-mail and just go ahead and shoot yourself...I might thank you later

Im tired...Im a hermit...why do you keep comming back here?

Life goes on...so does my comic...so go look at it...and leave me alone

I changed the format of the comic pages...it is now three comic strips to a page...so some pages will load slower than others because the comic strips are different sizes and I may have three large ones grouped together...if you have a slow modem don't complain to me...you are a lesser form of life than me and what you say means nothing...all should have Cable, DSL, or greater...if you can not afford it; get off the Internet...you're eating up our Bandwidth.

Well...Uhh...lets see...the comic is updated...like it usually will be...and uhh...I am loser...like I always have been...I am also a hermit...but thats nothing new...ummm...nothing exciting to report...my computer is still in the shop actually and it is really pissing me off...this computer that I am on sucks butt...but we all knew that...so really there is nothing new (aside from the comic) so just uhhh...go home...thats right...leave...I mean it...go...

BALL SACK COCK WHORE BUTT LICKING TUBE SOCK!! the comic has been updated and uhhh...thats about it

Well...to be honest I have the comics for the next five days drawn...but I am not going to show you because I am an ass hole...take one day at a time like they are inteded to be taken...so ha...

You people are lucky I have been able to update...Road Runner (my ISP) is being a bunch of ass holes and wont let me stay connected for more that a min at a time... fer fuck's sake what the hell is this world commming to?

Well...This is pretty boring...nothing new...nothing old...I had a really cool dream lat night though and in it there was this odd voice over that said:

Lets Take A Little Trip
Since This Is Just A Little Trip
We Wont Go Any Where
Since We Aren't Going Any Where
We Are Already There
Welcome To Hell
Since This Is Hell
There Will Be No
Carry On Luggage Restrictions
And Certainly No
"No Smoking" Signs

And I have no cluewhat this means...but thats what the creepy ass mother fucker in my dream said...

So...yup...All I have eaten today is a butt load of fun sized chocolate bars that the fam had left over from all the Trick or Treaters...my tummy feels funny...perhaps i will go eat some pizza...that will make me feel better...yeah...more junk food...screw healthy shit...in fact...most of the time i do get sick is when i take vitimins and shit like that...bah...i spit at the feet of life...and laugh at the face of death

Well...Holloween suked...like every other holliday...but it's no biggie...I am use to it...I am going to post a new comic now...If ya didn't get to read all the others...flip through the pages like every one else...I am not going to go easy on you cause you are a whinny little baby...so tuff titty said the kitty when the milk went bad...what ever the hell that means...also there has been some speculation going around that I will look good in red Spandex because the character Hermit McLonghair looks good in red Spandex...Let me remind you viewers that my comic is total fiction...I in no way look anyhting like Hermit McLonghair and therefore

HAPPY FUCKING HOLLOWEEN...even though I think I stopped celebrating any and all hollidays long about last Christmas...you know...cause I am a hermit and all...

Click on "Today's Comic" in the McFiction page, to view all the comics that I could not post because angelfire was dumb...

Well...you are still prolly wondering where mondays and sundays comic is aint cha? well...to tell the truth my dad is home and my computer is in the shop so all this while I have been using his...well...now he usues his and I get the shaft...also i was going to update last night but angelfire was a punk ass and would not let me gain access to my webshell...but I will combine monday's comic with sunday's comic and post if for tomarrow...so tomarrow you will have a really huge Holloween Spectacular comic...promise...

You might be wondering where the sunday comic is arn't you? well...Keep Wondering...Cause I dunno nither...i will draw it when i wake up...

Nothing exciting to report...been a shitty past few days...sinus problems, back pains, angst, the usual run of the mill garden variety life fucker uppers...comic has been updated...that makes 14 total comics...just thought I would let ya know...any hoot...I'm gonna go wallow in my percription drug enhanced self pity and feel miserable...on the briter side, I will fall asleep eventually...

Do I even have to say it? just go to the damn comic thingy...you know its updated....have faith in me people...cause I don't...cause it sucks being me...really...try it...I dare ya...

ANOTHER COMIC STRIP!!!! I have been keeping my promise to do one every day and a big one on saturday pretty good so far...unless seomthing somes up thats the way things shall be...I mean I did one for yesterday and today...that 2 new comics up...have faith in me...cause I don't...any hoot I am going to update the knowlege page as well...and uhh...thats about it...other than that things are pretty boring over here in my dark little cave of hermit solitude and lonelyness...

Well I am back...and you know what that means don't ya? Thats right...A NEW COMIC STRIP...yeah...whoo hoo...yippie...wow...great...neat...keen...super... dandy...wonderful...cool...sweet...awesome...rad...narley...groovy...kick ass...dude...pimpin...cow-a-bunga...peachey...vunder bar...good...bien...outta sight...tube-ular...alright...Now go read the damn thing and tell me what a genius I am...oh yeah...There is a contest...that I just made up...Find all the type-o, misspelled, missplace, and programming errors in this site...and win a prize...Basically it consists of me making fun of you because you actually went through the trouble of spell checkin every thing I put up here when we all really know that the only reason I misspells somehting it is for this contest I am having...We all know I am a genius super villian that will rule the world some day...Like some one with my brain power would actually misspell words...HA...I laugh at the thought...HA HA...(well...I had to say something to make me feel better about myself...it gets lonely being a hermit in case ya don't know)[oh...and I didn't do the knowlege update....cause I didn't want to...so there...]

Going out of town...So piss off...

Tee hee...I can get kicked off Angelfire for the material contained within this site ya know? Granted this is my site and I did take full legal responsiblity for it when I signed up...But they don't like porno graphic material, vulgar words, and other things that I being of legal age do and view every day of my life...So I would like to remind you few people that view this site there is a diclaimer that I posted...and it tells you there is vulgar and pornographic material on here...so its your damn fault for comming here...Don't go crying to angelfire and telling them you are offened by me...Because I warned you...They warned me and gave me full responsiblity for my site...and then I tunred around, using my responsiblility, and gave you responsiblity for comming here...I looked at the disclaimer Xoom.com had and man oh man are they a bunch of sell outs...bought out by NBC...so you know how quickly I would be banned if I switched services...but There shouldn't be censorship on the web...there shouldn't be censorship any damn place...People should be smart enough to know that if they don't like it they shouldn't do it...but unfortunalty with freedom comes responibility...and with responsiblity comes laws and regulations...and with laws and regulations comes less freedom untill we are all Commie Bastards...so if Angelfire does kick me outta here...Oh well...It was fun while it lasted...its not like they can sue me...This is a free service of which I took full resonsibility...In return for me being able to have this web site they post those stupid banners above every page I create...I am not hampering my end of the bargin in any way...Besides the fact that I have enough of a spinal cord to write a few bad words and post a few naughty pictures...I warned you this site contains them with my disclaimer...So its your fault now...deal with it pussy

Man...now that I am back I got all busy and stuff...I don't like to be busy...I like to be entertained...I know I know...you guys want another comic...all I hear from you is "more! more! more! more!" and I keep telling you that I am just one man...I need "me" time here people...please stop the constant e-mail complaing about how let down you are by this web site...wait...I don't get e-mail from people that visit this site...You really don't like it that much? Do I suck that badly? why don't you people tell me these things...I am only put up here on your monitor for your entertainment...I need feed back...Pretty please? sure I get feed back from my friends...But they are my friends fer fuck's sake...They would tell me my site was great even if it was just a big picture of me taking a poop...Let the world know ppl....spread the word...Wait...let me make this site worth while first...then spread the word...so from now on...the comic will be updated a small one each normal weekday and then a big one on sunday when I have more time...Except for this week...cause I am busy...but next week...you had better start telling people about me...other wise I'm gonna start kickin some ass...

Well, I made it home from the vacation...and now I suppose you want me to jump right up in the air and do all kinds of updating to make up for the time I lost don't you? Well too damn bad...I answered another question and I will put up some facts and thats it...I know some of you can't wait for the next McFiction comic but your just gonna have to...so there

guess what...im on vacation....so im not going to update anything...so ha...so go away....unless this is your first time here...if it is...then i welcome you....but im still not updating...

Another comic is up...and uhhh...thats about it...I am planning on getting ahold of a good graphics program and start making this site look prettier

Well I updated the comic...its not as big as I'm sure you were hoping it to be...but it is big in the sense that it opens up other characters for me to toy with...expect to see a battle between Stinky McLardmonster and Sailorboy McFancyblackpants...Blood and gore shall rain from the skies...im gonna update the knowlede page and prolly start doing it daily again insted of what I have been doing lately...also I am still actually not inspired but I figured I kept you guys waiting for so long I would throw something up there for you to see before you stop comming to my site entierly...I still owe you a really big comic strip though and you will get it...I just don't know when...I am just one man...Just one man...

I NEED SOME MOTHER FUCKING HEADPHONES!!! oh yeah...still not inspired...life is just been very...Blah...I got pulled over today for running a stop sign...See the story is...I don't know how to drive a stick all that well and because of this i don't like to come to stops at stop signs...I will if i see others comming but this was really late at night...no one for miles...except the cop which i didn't see...She would have let me go becauses i told her the story of my ignorence on driving a stick shift but three days before some little girl got hit by a car and got an owie...so they were doing a zero tolerence zone right smack dab at the stop i decide to run because no one was comming at all...yippie...whoo hoo...im not mad at the cop...she was pretty cool and just doing her job...im just in a shitty mood...and have been for a while...woe is me...sure you don't really care about my life...seeing as how all i am to you is just some stupid webmaster who brings you a stupid comic strip that is barely funny, useless facts, pointless rants, and offers to answer your stupid ass questions all at random intravels with no real set plan...all i am is a chuck of meat that knows html...and not even all that good at html at that...i don't even know frames...why do you ppl come here? its pointless...it really is...

Not feeling all that inspired...I was working on comics to post but I kept on deleting them because...because...well they all sucked...I can't think of anyhting right now...hmmm...when I do there will be a big major update thing and then I will post a really long comic page to make up for my lost time...untill then...please enjoy watching that guys head explode over and over again...I know its been there since the day I started this web site...but some times you just have to sit back and watch peoples heads explode...its relaxing...


Angelfire just got about 10 times cooler...literally...they took that piss ass 5mb of space that you normally get and multiplied it by 10...thats 50 fucking mb for free...god I love america

I will update later....to tired...need sweepy sweepy...

Blah Blah Blah...I hate my family...Blah...got bored added tomarrows comic today...well...it will be tomarrow in about 2 hours any way...

Remeber to check out the past news feature to read the past news...simple huh? I added todays comic and added a feature where you can go directly to the comic of the day insted of having to read through alot of pages to eventually get to the one you want to read...but its still in pages and what not...I was asked another question...and the all powerful me answered it on the 'Q' and 'A' page...and eventually some one out there will be sending me some rants...yeesh ppl...this is a web site for you...do something about it...don't ecpect me to do everything for you...matter of fact...there is a new one...some one cares...
A new comic page is up...I will prolly update it every night since I am bored...but I have problems remebering to update the Knowlege page...The pattern of Updating the comic will be every other day there will be a really long one and then some short one...then a really long one...then a short one...then again with the really long one...I added a new feature where you can read past news from my site...cause it seems silly posting it then deleting it when I am done and then no one will remeber what it is I was talking of...since no one checks this daily...even though I update daily...some times I don't know why I try...I know why I am bitter...cause women miss treat me all the time and the world is a shit hole...any hoot...enjoy your stay here at Wizard_9er's Hermit Life...
well...remeber that date with the waitress and every thing was going good a few days ago...well...its over now...im single again...yeah me...
SUPER UPDATE!!! I added some new friends to the friends page now located in the "stuff about me page"...and I added a Comic Strip...go check out the cast of characters first...then the actual comic strip...

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