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Man-machine:Quantum link?
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Man-machine:Quantum link?
February 25, 2001

Is a new principle of quantum physics a hyper dimensional string or super string called structural linkage?
A hundred years ago the mainstream media said man could never fly. "If man had flown they certainly would
have reported it". At the time that was printed the Wright brothers had already been flying for ten years!
Has anything changed in one hundred years? Do governments and politicians still lie? Are there still woods
for bears to do their thing? Does history repeat itself? Yes! Only this time it's better! A few years ago
Princeton Anomalies Research Laboratory had a program called "Shape Shifter".
It demonstrated a persons PK ability over the random number generator in their own computer.
Leave the room and come back fifteen minutes later and there would be a low score on the screen.
Stay and use your mental influence to make one of two pictures appear on the screen and get a
score of 60 to 100%.
Now there is software that somehow creates a vortex to take your mind to the remote
target. So, all you have to do is sketch and take notes from what appears in your minds eye. Much more
experimentation and innovation by users can only advance the present capability. Human kinds advances are
always brought about by a few pioneers. Believers, entreprenuers, and innovators down through history have
always made the difference. A few will lead and eventually the rest will follow. In any technology when one is
successful there follows many imitators. One inventor and many copiers. An old adage is "success breeds many
imitations". The best compliment of ones achievements is how often they are mimicked.

Thanks, Keith, for a fascinating report! It's interesting to note how all scientific experiments are affected by the fact that consciousness is non-local... in other words, there is no way to be a "disinterested observer". --<>
    - Cynthia Sue Larson

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