by Al Sarrantonio.
Dell, 1997, paperback, 212p.

The Shadow war is sweeping across the galaxy. Narn homeworld has fallen to the Centauri war machine. Narn Ambassador G'Kar is a prisoner on Centauri Prime. His people send a small group of commandos to break him out. G'Kar has make a deal with Centauri Ambassador Mollari to end the Centauri occupation of the Narn homeworld, so G'Kar must stay imprisoned until Mollari signals him to act. Meanwhile on Babylon 5, Mr. Garibaldi and Commander Ivanova hatch a plan to free their good friend G'Kar from prison. Disguising themselves as Centauri gem salesmen, they set off for Centauri Prime. Both liberation groups collide in the catacombs of the Imperial Palace. Then, it's up to Vir Cotto, Ambassador Mollari's assistant, to sort out the damage and resolve the situation. Hijinks ensue.

This is the eighth Babylon 5 book. The events take place in January, 2261 between "The Summoning" and "Falling Toward Apotheosis" television episodes. The characters are pretty unbelievable, although Vir has his good moments. The behavior of the Babylon 5 command staff is pretty improbable. I can't believe that they would leave their posts to indulge their "personal agendas". My disbelief reached new heights, when I read that Sheridan and Delenn blew off all their appointments and duties to play "James Bond" type games in Down Below. This book isn't written for an adult audience and it shows: big type, short chapters (Ch. 1 is 1.2 pages), cardboard characters and a questionable plot.

I particularly disliked the whole Dungeons and Dragons flavor forced into the B5 Universe. Although, the Centauri Prime caper might have worked better using IPX (Interplanetary Expeditions) agents, about whom I had no pre-conceived ideas. Archaeologists going native is believable. Also, Franklin and Marcus playing spy Down Below might have worked. Franklin had returned from his walkabout a month earlier ("Shadow Dancing" episode); but realistically, may have been too busy helping the refugees from the Shadow war ("Falling Toward Apotheosis") to go off on yet another lark Down Below. I could see Marcus and Franklin showing each other their favorite lurker hangouts, but their characters too duty-driven to goof off in the middle of a war. I guess I'll have to wait for "Racing Mars" to see Marcus playing "I spy" with Franklin.

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