Have You Read These Books?

Merged books is a humorous (I hope) list of books created by merging two titles and storylines into one. I received this list in an e-mail from my sister. We've only been able to track the author to some anonymous soul in Brooklyn, possibly working in a library -- presumably surrounded by books.

The Dennis L. Mckiernan index page is up and running. Six of the seventeen books are available for your viewing pleasure.

First there was Merlin, then there was King Arthur, now there is the Merlin anthology. I wish I had written "Summer's End" -- was there ever such a tale of bloody betrayal?

Scion's Lady is the second book in the series, detailing the life and very hard times of Prince Tig, Custodian of the Temple-Palace Archives of Gil. The royal treasury is broke, so the King decides that little brother Tig needs to get married to the very rich and beatitudiously-endowed Princess Rinn. Unfortunately, this makes Tig the target of assassins, religious fanatics, power-crazed ministers, spies, the palace guard, his bride's stable of lovers and an indestructible Ancient Evil.

The Trek to Kraggen-Cor and The Brega Path have been unavailable since the mid 90s. Now, they are back in print as The Silver Call. This is the omnibus edition that chronicles the war fought by the Dwarves to reclaim the mines of Kraggen-Cor from the dark spawn. Chakka shok! Chakka cor! (Dwarven axes! Dwarven Might!)

"The Hellstrom Chronicles" meets Watership Down in this omnibus volume of the The Chronicles of Henry Roach-Dairier trilogy. Far in the future, Mankind is extinct and the meek have inherited the Earth. But, if these warring insect species can't learn to live together, they too will perish.

I dreamed I went to Castle Gloinmere for the golden King's wedding. But the true queen was far away, locked in The Tower at Stony Wood guarded by a dragon and the very magic of the Land. Who can save her?

In the book, A Dance for Emilia. Strong friendships in life can endure -- endure beyond death itself, but at what cost?

If you went back in time to WWII London in Timeshare: A Time For War and helped with the war effort, could you let the attack on Pearl Harbor happen again?

In the Shadow of the Gargoyle: these are not your average, "Disney" gargoyles. I'm not surprised this book was nominated for the Bram Stoker Award, because I enjoyed each story. Violent or cute, eerie or humorous, there's a tale to suit your mood.

There is a new story media available to the public. It's called book technology. Ride the wave of innovation, read a book today.

Federal Marshalls Ty Merrick and Andy LaRue are back in their fifth novel, The Radon File. In the tradition of Scully and Mulder, Merrick and LaRue are commissioned officers sworn to investigate weird, inexplicable crimes and bring the perps to justice. This story is set on a “Bladerunner”-like alternative Earth, where violent crime is a survival strategy and burglary is a type of shopping.

If you were ever curious about all that Harry Potter mania, I added reviews for the four Harry Potter books. They are actually quite good. This series is a cross between Narnia and Discworld, so prepare yourself to be entertained.

Silver Wolf, Black Falcon After reading this book, I am fully convinced that the meaning of a prophecy is in the scrye of the beholder. In fact, the actual meaning may be a world away....

The Golden Globe Far in the future, Earth has been invaded. But life goes on and even Shakespeare is still performed, after a fashion. Is Humanity facing the final curtain, or will there be an encore?

Sherlock Holmes in Orbit The game is afoot once more.
        "I say Holmes, will I need moon boots?"
        "Yes, they're elementary, my dear Watson."

Aftermath Old Starfleet officers never die. They just become Sci Fi writers. If you liked The Stand, you will like Aftermath.

Rewind What if you could "rewind" your life and be a child again? Would anyone believe that you were really YOU, not just some punk with a bad sense of humor?

And now for some Babylon 5:

Voices - B5 Book #1 Who can Talia Winters turn to for help when she is wrongly accused of murder?

Accusations - B5 Book #2 One murder after another takes place on Babylon 5, but Garibaldi is forbidden to investigate. Then, he realizes the special Earth Force investigation team is really a cover-up team.

Blood Oath - B5 Book #3 Can G'Kar, Ivanova and Garbaldi survive a vendetta on the Narn Homeworld?

Betrayals - B5 Book #6 Babylon 5 is the last, best hope for peace. Perhaps even peace for the Narn and the Centauri; but then again, maybe not!

The Shadow Within - B5 Book #7 Who is Morden and how did he become a willing servant of the Shadows? Read this review if you want to know more.

Personal Agendas - B5 Book #8 How about some D & D beneath the imperial palace on Centauri Prime?

To Dream in the City of Sorrows - B5 Book #9 is THE BEST B5 Book. Almost all the answers to your questions about Marcus, Sinclair and Sakai are in this book. Valen wants you to read this book.


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