Fireblast Grimlock (Activator)
Beast ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Black, light red, dull reddish brown, and some "cheese" yellow and light sky blue
Rating: 7.5

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to the original Activator Grimlock. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of the original Activator Grimlock here.)

    As is evident by the name, this repaint of Activator Grimlock has been done up in very fiery, magma-like colors. Light red, black, and brown are the dominant colors, with the red being just the right color for "lava" while the brown looks more like "cooled lava". Quite a creative combination, there. The bits of orangish yellow-- another magma-y color-- also contrast against the other colors quite well and help to round out the whole package. However, what really brings this repaint up from just "cool" to "fantastic!" are the jagged, stylized "lava vein" paint apps on the robot chest and legs, as well as the jagged "dirt" paint apps on the robot shoulders/dino hips. They REALLY make Grimlock look like he's made of pure lava rock now, and though they might look a bit over-the-top on a "normal" Transformers figure, on a stylized Animated figure they fit right in. The fade paint app on the dino back that goes from light red to dark brown to yellow at the tail is also a great paint apps, as well. If I had to make one complaint-- however small-- about the toy's paint job, it would be that the dark brown jagged "dirt" paint apps on the shoulders are hard to see against the black-- they don't contrast well enough.
    No mold changes have been made to Fireblast Grimlock.
    Fireblast Grimlock is an utterly fantastic repaint, with every color having its place on the toy and the great "lava vein" and fade paint apps really making the character look elemental and fiery. A great redeco for an Animated toy-- if you get only one Activator version of a character you already have a "mainline" version of, make it Fireblast Grimlock.

Fireblast Grimlock Character Bio:
When Lugnut dropped Grimlock into a volcano, he thought he'd seen the last of the Dinobot. Grimlock loved the hot lava and absorbed its power into his body. His supercharged breath can melt asphalt into tar in seconds, which Grimlock plans to use to trap Lugnut on the ground, where he can't escape.

Review by Beastbot

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