Ahsoka Tano
Vehicle ModeMech Mode
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Color Scheme: Chalky off-white, dull dark maroon, and some dull gray, dull orange, bright greenish yellow, light sky blue, pale metallic gold, transparent dark red, and pale dark teal
Rating: 7.7

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to SWTF Saesee Tiin. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of SWTF Saesee Tiin here.)

    Like just about every other Jedi out there, Ahsoka Tano has gotten a SWTF toy of her in the Jedi Starfighter mold. The color scheme for the most part is pretty standard fare for Star Wars Transformers-- mostly off-white with some dark maroon and gray. What makes Ahsoka pop a little are the yellowish-green circuitry lines going along parts of her starfighter, as they're interesting designs and do an interesting job of mimicking the tattoos on her head. The yellow-ish green goe swell against the dark maroon, which is where it's used most, but unfortunately it's hard to see against the off-white. Visible in mech mode, the dull pumpkin orange that's supposed to simulate her "skin" on her face and arms also goes quite well with her other colors, to the point where I really wish it was used more.
    Ahsoka Tano's headsculpt is new, and does a pretty good job of pulling off the look of the character while still keeping it rather robotic-looking, what with the nicely-detailed circuitry lines on her face and whatnot. I will say that the proportions of this mold look a bit too broad-shoulders to work all that well for a female, though.
    SWTF Ahsoka Tano probably has some draw for those who are fans of her character from the Clone Wars cartoon, but overall she's just a mediocre mold with a generally uninspiring paint job ("circuitry lines" excepted). Plus her mold doesn't fit a female very well, and it looks quite similar to another repaint of this mold, Kit Fisto. So generally a ho-hum release for people who aren't particular fans of this alien Jedi.

Ahsoka Tano Bio:
Ahsoka Tano pilots a starfighter on a secret mission during the Clone Wars. The young Padawan arrives at a remote planet where a droid factory is building hundreds of new battle droids. Ahsoka changes her starfighter into a powerful mech that demolishes the factory and the droids.

Review by Beastbot

(Images from Hasbro.)

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