Autobot Camshaft (Alternator)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
No. in Series: 23
Difficulty of Transformation: Hard
Color Scheme: Black, dull glittery gray, clear plastic, moderately dark blue, and some dull metallic silver, dull metallic gold, dark sky blue, transparent red, transparent icy blue, metallic blue, chrome silver, and chrome light orange
Rating: 8.2

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to Alternator Prowl. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of Alternator Prowl here.)

    The Prowl mold has gotten remolded as Camshaft, after the G1 character of the same name. However, other than having a gray car for a vehicle mode, Alternator Camshaft bears no resemblance to his G1 self. He has no robot mode remolding at all, which is kinda cheap considering he's the first repaint of the figure, and up until now all (non-exclusive) first repaints of Alternators have all have some fairly significant remolding done to them. The only real remolding done to Camshaft is in the vehicle mode-- Prowl's police sirens have been removed, and a little rear spoiler has been added. However, even this isn't really significant when you realize that these remoldings were already done for the blue variant of Binaltech (Japanese Alternator) Prowl, released over a year before this toy was. They should've at least given Camshaft a G1-accurate head or something.
    Regardless, the color scheme itself is pretty good, if not the most exciting Alternator color combo. The gray and black by itself is rather dull, so the vehicle mode isn't anything really exciting to look at. Many people have complained that Camshaft's gray isn't a metallic silver paint all over like Alternator Silverstreak, but I don't think it's that big of a deal. The metallic flake glitter is still present in the gray plastic, so it still looks reasonably realistic. I DON'T like the swirls inherent in the plastic, though, as that kind of detracts from the look a bit. What really spices up the colors in robot mode, though, is the addition of a very attractive shade of blue, along with some silver and color highlights. The gray/gold/blue color combo in the face is especially cool-looking. However, in one of the weirdest assembly errors I've ever seen, paint apps that were clearly meant for the front of Camshaft's upper arm pieces have instead been painted on the BACK of those arm pieces. You can swap the arms to have them face the front, as in the picture above, but this makes it a bit harder to get the arms into their assigned place when transforming the figure. One nice nod that the robot mode gives to the G1 character is that the Autobot symbol is in the middle of the left arm-- an odd place for an allegiance symbol, to be sure, but it was that way on G1 Camshaft. Also going with the tradition of Alternators recently, Camshaft has an official state license plate, this time one from Rhode Island that says "CAMSHFT".
    Alternator Camshaft really should've been remolded more from Prowl, but he's still a fairly good Alternator mold with a good color scheme-- the blue and gold in robot mode look particularly good. Still, Prowl still has a more interesting alt mode and just fits his G1 self more, so between the two toys I still have to recommend Prowl slightly more.

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Review by Beastbot

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