Dead End (Alternator)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Decepticon
No. in Series: 6
Difficulty of Transformation: Hard
Color Scheme: Black, silver, and some chrome silver, red, bronze, metallic purple, chrome light red, white, and transparent light red
Rating: 8.2

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to Alternator Sideswipe. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of Alternator Sideswipe here.)

    Dead End, the first Decepticon Alternator, is just a remold of Sideswipe, but he's a pretty significant remold. He's now a Dodge Viper Competition- no convertible this time around. And I have to say, his vehicle mode is coolest one of the Alternators that I've seen so far (as of 9/04), and that's saying a LOT. No extras at all, just like on Sideswipe, but geez- that black-with-silver-stripes looks SO good on this sportscar. And the red-tinted windows just add to Dead End's eeeevilness. As for the design of the car itself, pretty much every part on Dead End that is involved in the vehicle mode has been remolded to some extent. He's not got a hood (obviously), a "tail fin", and the very bottom of his car mode has been thickened up a bit. So he's basically a completely new toy in this mode.
    In robot mode, however, he still retains pretty much every design flaw that Sideswipe had. Granted, he still looks cooler, but that's mostly because of his awesome color scheme. He also adds one problem, oddly enough- his chest doesn't really clip together because of its new construction, and although it doesn't exactly swing around when you play with him, it doesn't always stay in the same place, either. Probably the oddest thing Dead End has going for him, though, is that if you ignore the colors, he has G1 Sunstreaker's FACE. Down to the finest detail. I'm guessing that this mold was originally supposed to be Sunstreaker, but when Hasbro saw all the demand for Decepticon Alternators, they quickly redid the paint job and gave him a new allegiance symbol. Not that I don't appreciate a Decepticon Alternator, but c'mon... it's just so obviously Sunstreaker, man. So in my world, Alternator Dead End is an evil clone of Sunstreaker. Unoriginal? Maybe, but I'm lazy.
    Alternator Dead End has a vehicle mode that you will absolutely drool over, and a freaking awesome color scheme. His robot mode still suffers from the same oddities as Sideswipe, however, and he has Sunstreaker's head. So although he's not the greatest Alternator overall, he has the greatest VEHICLE mode of the bunch, and that's worth picking him up right there. I mean, geez.... it's so SWEET... I want a car like THAT. (Hey, I can dream, can't I?)

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Review by Beastbot

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