Mirage (Alternator)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
No. in Series: 22
Difficulty of Transformation: Hard
Color Scheme: Dark milky blue, black, white, clear plastic, and some blue, chrome silver, silver, orange, transparent light orangish red, and metallic goldish yellow
Rating: 9.4

    Alternator Mirage's vehicle mode is a Ford GT sportscar, and MAN, this mode is slick! It's so sleek and aerodynamic, and the swirly dark blue color used for the main body with the two white racing stripes down the center are fairly similar to G1 Mirage's color scheme, but with the color placement switched. The smaller white racing stripes down the sides also look pretty slick, and the rear trunk can be opened up to reveal a rear engine (as well as the robot feet, but that's a pretty minor extra that blends in pretty well with its surrounding parts). The front trunk can't be opened, though, unless you just want to look at some robot parts inside. Mirage has all the other feature's you'd expect from an Alternator, such as adjustable interior seats, a turnable steering wheel, rubber tires, the front two tires linked together so they turn as one (though it's VERY hard to get the required parts linked together when transforming Mirage from his robot mode back to vehicle mode), and the like. Mirage also has a Michigan state license plate with his name on it, which is kinda cool.
    Mirage's robot mode is also very good-looking for an Alternator. He does have a bit of kibble-- the large windshield and roof assembly on his back is significantly wider than his chest, so it sticks out a bit, and I the doors hanging off the backsides of the shoulders do get in the way of movement a bit, but other than those two bits the car parts fit in with the overall structure of the mode very well. The back end of the car mode splits in half to form the feet like on many Alternators, but the leg halves are in a different configuration to give Mirage a bit more individuality in terms of looks. The rear bumper half pieces fit pretty well over the lower legs, so I see no problems there. Parts of the front car grill also stick to the bottom of Mirage's lower arms, but again, those don't get in the way at all. The chest assembly looks pretty good, but unfortunately it doesn't clip into place at all, even though according to the instructions it should. Mirage's robot head sculpt is very, very nice, retaining elements of his G1 version (such as the vents on the sides of the head) while still having a very updated, sleek look to it. The fact that his rear engine forms not just one, but TWO hand-held pistols is also pretty cool. The new addition of a medium blue, as well as more white, in this mode's color scheme looks very nice and helps to give the toy a bit more contrast and differentiation than it has in vehicle mode. One last major positive about this mode is that the articulation is very good-- Mirage can move at the head (on a ball joint), shoulders (at three points), elbows (at two points), wrists, waist, hips (at two points), knees (at two points), and ankles, as well as the same "index finger piece/ rest of fingers as one piece" hand articulation that all the Alternators have, so he has all the major points covered. Some of the kibble does get in the way of some poses, however.
    Alternator Mirage is a fantastic mode, with one of the slickest-looking vehicle modes so far in the line and a very cool and articulated robot mode, though he does have a few minor kibble problems in the latter mode. Highly recommended.

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Review by Beastbot

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