Rollbar (Alternator)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
No. in Series: 19
Difficulty of Transformation: Hard
Color Scheme: Black, dull orange, dull grayish brown, metallic pale bronze, and some chrome silver, clear plastic, silver, metallic bronze, and transparent orange
Rating: 8.6

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to Alternator Hound. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of Alternator Hound here.)

    Rollbar, a straight repaint of the Hound remold Swindle, is the first Alternator not to be based on the obscure G1 toy it's named after. G1 Rollbar WAS a Jeep, but he was dark green-- given Hound's color scheme, it's obvious why this scheme wasn't used for Alternator Rollbar. (Of course, Trailbreaker would've been a MUCH better choice for the third use of this mold, given the head, but that's neither here nor there.) Rollbar's new color scheme is orange, black, and light bronze-- not a bad color scheme per se', though I've never seen an orange jeep before. The black does go really well with the Halloween orange, though, and the bronze and grayish brown makes for a gray tertiary color, and helps differentiate the mold from Swindle at least a little. Using a main color scheme that was bit more different from Swindle's yellow-and-black, however, would have definitely been appreciated on a straight Alternator repaint. I also wish the head had been differentiated a bit more as well, considering it looks exactly like Swindle's, just with a different-colored visor. One of the cool little extra things done to Rollbar is that his license plate, with the standard "ROLLBAR" on it, isn't just a white square with an Autobot symbol this time around-- it's a Colorado license plate replica! Very cool, and adds even more realism to the toy.
    Alternator Rollbar, given he looks nothing like G1 Rollbar, is one of the more odd choices for the Alternator line, and the repaint isn't really any better than Swindle, either-- they're both about as good color-wise as the other, in my opinion. Rollbar's main colors should also have been a bit more different than Swindles, as well. If you're looking for one version of this mold, I'd still recommend Hound over this guy or Swindle.

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Review by Beastbot

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