Anakin Skywalker (Episode II Starfighter; Clone Wars version)
Vehicle ModeMech Mode
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Color Scheme: Milky gray, yellow, and some dark transparent red, transparent light blue, sky blue, dark maroon, silver, dark blue, and metallic bronze
Rating: 6.8

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to SWTF Saesee Tiin. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of SWTF Saesee Tiin here.)

    Unlike the Obi-Wan "Clone Wars" update to the Episode II Starfighter figure, "Clone Wars" Anakin Skywalker here is more of a re-release than re-done version. The paint apps et. al. are exactly the same as on the initial version of the Anakin Skywalker Episode II Starfighter toy, so see my review of that toy for my comments on his general color scheme. However, on this release he's missing that orbital docking booster thing. So you get substantially less toy for the same amount of money. Hooray?
    Anakin's head is in slightly more "Clone Wars-ish" proportions, but that's the only mold change if you don't count the removing of several parts.
    In summary, DO NOT WANT. Get the older version  with boosters and missile launchers if you must have an Anakin Skywalker Episode II Starfighter toy. This release brings nothing substantially new to the table, and in fact, a lot less.

Anakin Skywalker (Episode II Starfighter, Clone Wars version) Bio:
Anakin is given some of the most challenging flight missions of any Jedi during the Clone Wars, and he handles them with ease. Using the power of the Force, Anakin changes his Jedi starfighter into mech mode and takes on an entire squadron of droid tri-fighters by himself!

Review by Beastbot

(Pictures from Hasbro.)

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