Autobot Jazz (Freeway)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Size: Deluxe
Difficulty of Transformation: Easy
Color Scheme: Black, dull smooth gray, and some light milky gray, dull bronze, light red, transparnet amber, silver, dull metallic gunmetal gray, and light sky blue
Rating: 8.7

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to the original Animated deluxe Jazz. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of the original Animated deluxe Jazz here.)

    The debate rages (well, sorta)-- is Freeway Jazz a repaint homage to G1 Bluestreak/Silverstreak? Movie Jazz? Some other character? Or is it an homage to nothing at all, but there's just so many sportscars TFs he's bound to resemble someone with his paint job? Regardless, the repaint of Jazz just oozes smooth. Normally I'm not a fan of primarily monochrome TFs, but Freeway Jazz pulls it off exceedingly well. His black parts are pretty much the same, but his white has been replaced with a VERY nice-looking dull gray color. It's not the same milky gray color used on so many other TFs-- this one almost looks painted, as opposed to being blatantly plastic. Some light gray, gunmetal, and silver highlights add to the monochrome-ness of the scheme. There is a little color to Freeway Jazz, though-- his visor is the same blue it's always been, his wheels are bronze, his headlights are a nice transparent amber color, and a few paint apps are light red. If all comes together to look rather realistic without missing the "cool" look of Jazz.
    No mold changes have been made to Freeway Jazz.
    Freeway Jazz is a repaint that fits the character extraordinarily well, and also does the "monochrome color scheme" thing stupendously, with there being several different "levels" of gray/black to keep things visually interesting while using a nice semi-shiny dull gray color. The bits of bronze/amber and light red help to add a little color and keep him from being completely monochrome, though. Recommended over the original Animated Jazz toy.

Freeway Jazz Bio:
"Yo, check me out!"
With Decepticon activity at its peak near the galactic rim, rumors begin to circulate that Earth may be getting more evil visitors as well. In anticipation of incoming Decepticons, Autobot Jazz goes undercover, immersing himself in Earth culture. From where he hides in plain sight, he can enjoy the sights and sounds of Earth while planning the perfect moment to strike.
- Extensive and growing .mp3 collection
- Superior sound system
- Uses energy-chucks to bang out a good beat on Decepticon bad guys

Review by Beastbot

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