Bumblebee (Battle Charger)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Dull orangish yellow, black, and some metallic silvery blue, dark red, metallic gunmetal gray, light chalky sky blue, and silver
Rating: 4.1

    This is Bumblebee. He's a Chevrolet Cam-- wait, why am I doing this again? You know what I'm gonna say about his vehicle mode, for the most part. The dull orange-yellow and black stripes go together decently enough, even if it's not an outstanding color scheme, the blue windows provide some nice contrast, as does the silver against the black, etc. You know the drill by now. Obviously with a toy aimed at as young of an audience as a Battle Charger, the proportions are a bit more rounded and "chubby" and the detailing is kept to a minimum for the most part (though the front bumper is surprisingly well-detailed). I think it's rather odd how the car is slanted downwards as you go from the back to the front, though. Not sure what that's all about.
    The whole Battle Charger gimmick has to do with pulling the toy back and letting it go-- it'll travel forward for a while, and if it bumps into a wall (or if you just press in on the front bumper), the upper part of the car will rotate around, revealing the upper half of the robot in question. No electronics though, sadly. The robot "mode" (i.e., the robot sticking out of the top of the car mode) is detailed quite wel, with nary a detail missing even from a complex movie design. In the interest of kid-friendliness, though, the head and hands are bigger proportionally (or the chest and upper arms smaller proportionally, take your pick). The head is detailed particularly well, especially in respect to paint apps, and making one of his hands in its cannon form-- even if it doesn't actually fire any projectiles-- helps to shake things up a little. As far as articulation goes, like other Battle Chargers, due to the transformation Bumblebee can move his lower arms in a little and his head down a little, but they immediately spring back to their default position once you let go, sadly.
    Battle Charger Bumblebee is certainly a great choice-- and one of the better Battle Chargers-- if you're getting it for a little kiddy Bumblebee fan who doesn't care about articulation or, well... really the bottom half of a robot mode, even. The kid-friendly design and bump-'n-go action will certainly keep little ones entertained, but like all Battle Chargers it's clear this is aimed at the little guys. Any enjoyment we older fans may get out of it is simply a bonus.

Bumblebee (Battle Charger) Bio:
Bumblebee is the first robot on the ground, wherever the Autobots go. He is an expert scout, tracker and spy, with smarts and skill to match his sleek looks. He's also a powerful fighter, who is determined to keep the humans he guards safe, no matter what.

Review by Beastbot

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