Sideswipe (Hyper Speed) [Battle Charger]
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Light milky gray, dark metallic grayish brown, and some silver, dark navy blue blue, light metallic silvery blue, black, and red
Rating: 3.8

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to the original Battle Charger Sideswipe toy. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of the original Battle Charger Sideswipe toy here.)

    Hyper Speed Sideswipe looks an aw-fully lot like regular Sideswipe. A HECK of a lot like regular Sideswipe, in fact. This version has the same plastic colors as the original Battle Charger Sideswipe-- only some of the paint apps are different. The windows are now a duller, darker blue, with "SIDESWIPE" emblazoned along the front of the windshield. I rather liked the previous window colorization, and I'm not one for TFs having their names on their alt modes, so I'm not fond of that change. The black-painted headlights don't make a whole lot of sense, either. However, the other minor changes I like, to a minor degree-- the nifty "speed" paint apps on the car doors; the black-painted spokes; the painted Chevrolet sign on the car hood; and the headlights, which are a slightly lighter shade of red. Other than these minor changes, everything else, including paint apps are the same-- yep, none of the colors of the "robot parts" have been changed at all.
    No mold changes have been made to Hyper Speed Sideswipe.
    I'm really not sure why Hasbro decided to do an "upgrade" to Sideswipe that's so incredibly similar to how he originally looked, even moreso than practically all the other same-character movie repaints. They should've just kept Sideswipe in the assortment, probably would've saved on development costs. Well, anyways, this Sideswipe has a few minor things that are worse than the original, and a few minor things that are better. It all balances out, so if you want to get one, just pick the one you see first, I guess.

Hyper Speed Sideswipe Bio:
Sideswipe has always been one of the fastest Autobots around, but more speed never hurt anyone. Weeks of work have left his engine supercharged, and his super-sharp swords swinging faster than ever!

Review by Beastbot

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