Axalon Optimus Primal (Botcon 2006 Exclusive)
Vehicle Mode (with Key gimmick activated)Robot Mode
Allegiance: Maximal
Size: Voyager (comes in a 5-pack with Cheetor, Dinobot, Rhinox, and Rattrap)
Difficulty of Transformation: Easy
Color Scheme: Black, white, dark blue, and some transparent dark red, silver, red, and moderately dark gray
Rating: 8.9

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to the original Cybertron Crumplezone. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of the original Cybertron Crumplezone here.)

    Optimus Primal's pre-Beast Wars form is based off of the Cybertron Crumplezone toy, and, just like all the pre-Beast Wars forms in this year's Botcon exclusives, the color scheme is pretty spot-on when compared to the original Beast Wars toy, both in their respective shades and in their placement on the figure. The black, red, and blue form a pretty simplistic color scheme, but it works fairly well, and they certainly don't clash. The silver and gray are some nice accent colors, as well-- I especially like the gray paint app on the backside of his cockpit, as in robot mode it's kind of a precursor to the gray ape-face on the chest that he has in his original Beast Wars form. The big guns on the back are also a nice nod to the jetpack-becomes-shoulder-guns that he has in his Beast Wars form, as well. However, that said, I don't know if this was really the best mold to use for Optimus Primal, namely because of the proportions for the robot mode. They're very gorilla-like, yes, but Primal never had gorilla proportions in robot mode until he got his Optimal Optimus form, and even they his legs were never THIS short, his arms were just long in comparison. This "big strongman" proportions work well for big dumb beefy dudes like Crumplezone, but not for a Maximal leader like Primal. Something like, say, Cybertron Dirt Boss might've worked a bit better as the base mold.
    No mold changes have been made to Optimus Primal, except for the head, which has been given an entirely new mold. That's certainly good, as Crumplezone's DEFINITELY wouldn't have fit Primal, but the detailing on the head is kind of... bad, if you ask me. The side antennae are too simplistic and the lines are a bit too curvy, kind of like his antennae are made of silly putty. Something about the mouth also seems off somehow. In addition, because of the odd head size restrictions inherent in the mold due to Crumplezone's uniquely shaped head, to overcome this they had to make Primal's head noticeably smaller in proportion to the rest of his body-- I mean, his head is TINY in comparison to that huge bulky body of his. (This is another reason why I don't think this was the best mold to use.) One surprise is that the toy still retains the same Cyber Key-activated electronics that Crumplezone had, which is pretty cool. Also, like all the other toys in the Botcon set, the Cyber Key used in the Cybertron version has instead been replaced with a solid gray Planet X Key bearing a Maximal symbol and a painted bit of Golden Disk detailing over the main part of the Cyber Key, hence the new name "Golden Disk Key".
    Axalon Optimus Primal is a fair update to our favorite Maximal leader, and it's a good toy mold, but it's not the most fitting for a guy like Optimus, and the new head mold is a little amateurish-looking, in my opinion. One of my least favorite of the Botcon '06 toys in terms of mold suitability.

Axalon Optimus Primal Bio:
FUNCTION: Starship Captain
MOTTO: "Peace is the absence of conflict and the presence of justice."
A veteran of the last Great War that resulted in the defeat of the Predacon forces, Optimus Primal embodies many of the Maximal philosophical ideals. He is a heroic figure whose ability for self sacrifice knows no bounds. While he understands that war and conflict are sad realities of his existence, he has made it a point to study the historical and scientific records of past generations. He believes it is the balance that his idol, the original Optimus Primal, maintained throughout his long service. While Optimus Primal has a vast understanding of standard battle protocols, he sometimes utilizes unconventional, yet creative tactics to succeed in his missions. In vehicle mode, his boosters allow the ability to move at speeds of up to 350 mph for short bursts. While in robot mode, the boosters can become forward deployed missile launchers capable of locking onto two targets independently. The boosters can also be used for flight in robot mode. While always battle ready, he believes his current mission of exploration aboard the Axalon is symbolic of the Maximal goals of peace and harmony in the galaxy.
Strength: 10.0
Intelligence: 9.0
Speed: 9.0
Endurance: 10.0
Rank: 10.0
Courage: 10.0
Firepower: 7.0
Skill: 9.0

Review by Beastbot

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