Galvatron (Shattered Glass) [Botcon 2011 Attendee-Only Exclusive]
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Decepticon
Size: Voyager (comes in 2-pack with Thundercracker)
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Color Scheme: Black, light gray, moderately pale purple, and some light red, transparent light blue, silver, and pale light orange
Rating: 9.5

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to Cybertron Voyager Evac. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of Cybertron Voyager Evac here.)

    What's the opposite of a space gun? A rescue helicopter, it would appear! Yessir, now the Shattered Glass "opposite universe" character Galvatron has a toy-- one where he's the good guy leader! The color scheme is pretty much straight from G1 Galvatron-- purple, black, and light gray are the main colors here. The gray is a bit on the blah side, but there are few large unbroken areas of it on the toy, and it doesn't have that dull milky look to it that many other light grays used in Transformers do, so it's not that bad. The three colors certainly contrast against each other well enough, though the light red used as an accent color really helps to give the scheme that extra little pop. There's also some silver and light blue to even things out, along with a few light orange decals on the side of the vehicle mode. One is a "LIFE FLIGHT-1" decal-- obviously referring to the fact that he's now a rescue helicopter-- while the other looks like a stylized, simplified version of Galvatron's four-pointed "crown" on the top of his head, surrounded by a circle and underlined. It's a rather unique little symbol.
    No mold changes have been made to Shattered Glass Galvatron-- and that's mostly what makes him so awesome. I NEVER would've seen Evac as a mold so fitting for Galvatron, but it works VERY well, particularly for a "good guy" Galvatron. The chest and head look practically identical to G1 Galvatron's with the right paint apps, as do the legs, and the rope-winch hanging off the right arm mimics G1 Galvatron's gun.
    Shattered Glass Galvatron is a great mold with a pretty good paint job, but the real selling point for this toy is just how well they were able to take an existing toy and, without any mold changes, make it fit a completely different character so well. Definitely recommended if you're into Shattered Glass.

Galvatron Bio:
FUNCTION: Decepticon Leader
MOTTO: "Power is nothing without wisdom."
After his brush with death and subsequent rebirth, Galvatron became an even wiser and more compassionate leader of the Heroic Decepticons. He uses his new powers and alternate form to manage the battle against Prime's forces on both Cybertron and Earth. His chemical laser cannons have a range of two miles and his hook-and-grapple is supposed by a nigh-unbreakable destronium tether.
It has been a full solar cycle since Nexus Prime and Aquarius left Cybertron for parts unknown, and the Stellar Spanner built by Alpha Trion subsequently destroyed. However, some strange energy readings coming fron inside Iacon seem to indicate the technology may be in use once again...
Strength: 10.0
Intelligence: 8.5
Speed: 8.0
Endurance: 10.0
Rank: 10.0
Courage: 10+
Fireblast: 9.0
Skill: 10.0

Review by Beastbot

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