Berzerker (Normal)Berzerker (Costume)

Real Name: Ray Crisp

Mutant Power: Ability to produce powerful electrical currents that travel outwards from his body or hands

Voice Actor: Tony Sampson (also the voice of Fred in Transformers: Armada)

First Appearance: "Growing Pains"

Back Story: No detailed back story given- like the rest of the New Mutants, Berzerker was just "there" at the beginning of the second season. However, it has become obvious over time that Berzerker has had some past ties with the Morlocks, as he knows them and they know him. Considering that the "old" Berzerker was a Morlock, it is not unlikely that X-M:E Berzerker was a Morlock for some time before he joined the X-Men between the first and second seasons.

Personality: Berzerker hasn't been focused on a whole lot, but from what I can gather, he's actually a pretty "normal" guy. He doesn't have any odd quirks or a very distinct personality, although he does tend to get mad a little easier than most people would. He's still a really nice guy, though, and seems to be one of those people that had a bad past, but has since realized the error of their ways and "reformed", so to speak.

Final Reflections: Poor Berzerker. Out of all the New Mutants, he was pretty much the only underused one that had so much more potential than he was given in the show. I really would have liked his Morlock past to be fully explained, and maybe an episode or two focusing solely on that past. Ah, well.

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