Season II, Episode I:

"Growing Pains"

Writers: Steve Granat and Cydne Clark

Director: Frank Paur

Original Air Date: September 29, 2001

Introducing: Principal Kelly, Berzerker, Boom Boom, Cannonball, Iceman, Jubilee, Magma, Multiple, Sunspot, and Wolfsbane

Synopsis/Review: This episode begins at a soccer game. Jean's playing against the opposing team, and they're winning, of course. Scott, Evan, Kurt, and Kitty are cheering her and her team on, and Jean ends up scoring a winning goal in the nick of time. (Gee, who'da thunk?) Anyway, after the game, Scott comes up to congratulate Jean, when the wonderful guy named Duncan steps in front of him, talking about how Jean "squashed 'em". Scott sorta steps in, telling Jean that he's taking off now if she needs a ride. Jean replies that that's okay, DUNCAN is taking her home. And they leave, after Duncan shoves it in Scott's face again. This is one of those moments that REALLY makes you hate Jean... Come on, Scott, you deserve someone better...
    Anyway, later on, Scott's in the process of driving Kurt and Kitty back to the Institute (I presume Spyke had business at school, or something, I dunno...), when a speeding car suddenly zooms past them, a bunch of police cars chasing it. In the midst of the chase, the criminal in the speeding car skids into the railing of an overpass, breaking it and causing the car to totter on the edge of the overpass, about to fall over on a bus filled with kids underneath that edge, stuck on the road after the car chase forced it to screech to a halt earlier...
    Kitty and Kurt immediately want to help out, but Scott refuses at first- there's too many people around, too many news cameras. As the car finally starts to tip off the edge of the overpass, Scott finally gives in, and in a split second, Kurt teleports into the car and teleports himself and the man out to a safe area under the overpass, quickly pushing the man away before teleporting to Scott's side again. Scott, meanwhile, quickly shoots the car out of the way of the bus as it falls. All the kids in the bus immediately start to evacuate. Kitty, meanwhile, phases Scott and Kurt out of sight before people can figure out where the Scott's force blast came from.
    We then cut to the Institute, where a very interesting, but all-too-short, sequence takes place: a bunch of new Mutants we've never seen before (eventually identified as Wolfsbane, Sunspot, Multiple, Iceman, Cannonball, Boom Boom, Berzerker, Jubilee, and Magma) are doing a bunch of different stuff in the Institute's yard. They all show off their powers in amusing ways, through such things as playing baseball or playing practical jokes on someone else. Wolverine and Xavier are watching the kids through a window in the Mansion. Wolverine refers to them simply as the "New Recruits"- apparently, they were all picked up by the Institute since the past season. Logan then says that they'll definitely need more instructors, now that the Institute has grown in numbers so much.
    Storm interrupts the conversation, though, wanting to show the Professor a news report, which she does. The news on TV mentions the car chase earlier today, the accident, and the "strange red blast" that deflected the falling car. Xavier, of course, realizes that it was Scott.
    Meanwhile, out on the front lawn, Scott pulls up in his car with Kitty and Kurt, and they get out. They agree not to talk about what happened on the way home, in hope that the Professor and the others won't hear about it. They then look up and find Storm, Wolverine, and Xavier waiting for them on the front steps. Well, there goes that...
    Later, Xavier explains to Scott in his office that he understands why Scott did what he did, but they need to try to remain anonymous, at least for the present. Xavier says that he does not think that humanity is ready to deal with the existence of Mutants yet. Scott isn't in full agreement, though- he says it's like they're hiding in shame. Aren't they supposed to help others with their powers?
    Later on, we see Scott talking to his brother, Alex, via computer video link. Alex has won a semi-pro surfing competition, and he's hoping to even go pro next year. Scott supposes that Alex won't be coming to the Institute for a while, then, to which Alex responds with an affirmative- he's just not up to the idea of it. He still can't get over the whole "Mutant" schtick, and he'd just rather just pretty much go on with his life like it was beforehand- except for still keeping in touch with Scott, of course. Both agree that it is hard at sometimes to keep their powers a secret, though...
    The next day, most of the X-Kids are in the school gymnasium, along with the rest of the school- there's apparently an assembly about to start. (Missing, surprisingly, are the New Mutants- most of them look like they'd be High School age, so why aren't they there?) Anyway, Jean comes in, apparently looking for someone she recognizes to sit with- Scott gets up, waving at her, and Jean glances at him, but then she sees Duncan and sits down with him. Grrr.
    Rogue comes in, and is looking for a place to sit down when a purple-haired girl asks her about how long the assembly's going to last. Immediately taking a liking to the new girl, Rogue sits down next to her and says that most assemblies usually do last a while here. The purple-haired girl introduces herself as Risty Wile (sp?), a new student transfer from Westchester, England. Rogue welcomes her to the school, introducing herself (as Rogue, oddly).
    The focus then switches to the teenage Brotherhood members, who are standing far to the side of the stands, apparently not wanting to have anything to do with anybody. Toad's complaining about how much school bites, and Blob agrees- why are they even here? Quicksilver answers, smugly, that LANCE knows why they're here... Lance wants to get a certain "Kitty stuck in a tree". Pietro teases Lance a bit, but he just pushes Pietro away and heads over to Kitty, who's chatting with a couple of her nameless friends. Kitty disses Lance (as she should), but before more can be said, some school official comes up to the podium and introduces the school's new principal, Principal Edward Kelly. As Kelly walks up to the podium, Lance grins and triggers a small rumble- no more than to cause the Principal to stumble a bit to the podium. Lance grins at Kitty when she frowns at him, and Kitty turns away, stifling a giggle. Lance figures he's scored, and asks Kitty if she wants to see "some real action". He then secretly uses his powers to trigger a large earhtquake. The whole gymnasium starts to shake, and he causes the scoreboard to break off of the ceiling, falling right above Principal Kelly...
    Luckily, at the last minute, Jean secretly uses her powers to "push" the scoreboard so that it lands away from Principal Kelly and the other officials, not injuring anyone. After a bit of a scare, Kelly gathers himself again and begins a speech to the students, adding in a bit of a joke about "Bayville being on a fault line" to help lighten up the mood a bit. Corny, yes, but it's what a good principal would do- not panic and lighten up the mood a little. He then goes on about Principal Darkholme's abrupt disappearance, and how he hopes he can fill her seat. He knows that each of them are special, he wants them to use their gifts to better the school, he believes in them, etc. Y'know, the usual "pep talk" speech.
    Later on, after school, Scott is out waiting in his car for Jean, who he hasn't seen (and who's probably with Duncan). He hears Kitty shouting nearby, though, and finds Lance half-dragging Kitty with him to his jeep. Todd, Pietro, and Fred are waiting in the car. Lance says that "he's sorry" for the "incident" earlier, won't Kitty forgive him? He says it in a rather unconvincing way, though. Kitty phases out her arm from Lance's grasp, telling him what a jerk he is. Scott comes up, blocking Lance from getting to Kitty. They both threaten each other, and Lance pushes Scott back, telling the X-Leader to let loose at him with all he's got- let the whole school see what Scott really is. Scott almost does, actually, until Kitty manages to curb his anger a bit. Scott and Kitty leave, still casting angry glances at the Brotherhood.
    Lance then mentions to the other guys that he's sick of them hiding their powers. Mystique's still missing, and it doesn't seem like she's going to come back, so he's going to take Principal Kelly's advice and "show off their unique gifts" at the soccer finals tonight...
    We then fast forward to the aforementioned soccer finals that night. The Bayville stadium's pretty crowded, and all the X-Kids are there for the finals, even Rogue (although she looks less than thrilled about it). Xavier's there, too. Anyway, all of the different players are being introduced, and there's a big cheer for Jean. The new school mascot statue is then revealed, a very nice-looking, gold-painted, giant hawk statue (they're called the "Bayville Hawks"), which doubles as an large Olympic-style torch, too, apparently, as the top is set on fire. Principal Kelly introduces the school statue, makes a little comment about the wonderful school spirit, and then the game gets underway.
    No sooner does the game start, though, they a long, green tongue snatches the microphone from the game commentator... right into Lance's hands. Lance, Toad, Blob, and Quicksilver are on top of the commentator's box, and Lance immediately gets the others attention, via speaking into the microphone. The game stops as all attention is devoted to Lance and his buds. Lance introduces himself as Avalanche, and he reveals that he's a Mutant...
    ...He introduces the other Brotherhood members, and explains to the awestruck audience the basic concept of Mutants (while Toad slimes the commentator climbing up on top of the his box, demanding his microphone back). The X-Kids are especially unbelieving that Lance would do this, as it would definitely lead to their persecution. Lance then reveals that all the kids at the Xavier Institute are Mutants too. He explains that Mutants use their powers to "improve things"- for example how soccer would be better if the "goals were farther apart". He then uses his hours to create a huge crack in the middle of the ground of the soccer field. One girl topples over into the rift, but Jean manages to rescue her at the last minute. Scott and the other X-Kids in the stand immediately get up and walk off, Scott telling the Prof that he's sorry, but "that cat's out of the bag"... Xavier urgently uses his telepathic powers to contact Storm- they need her...
Quicksilver starts speeding around the completely surprised Principal Kelly, eventually creating a tornado that carries the poor Principal into the air. Blob goes and picks up the eagle statue/torch, getting ready to throw it into the crowd, when Cyclops blasts the statue away, inadvertently sending it crashing into the side of the school. Oops. The fight then ensues, only this time, it's in public, with people running for their lives. The X-Men easily beat the Brotherhood, of course. Jean stops Quicksilver's tornado and sends Pietro flying, while gently lowering Principal Kelly to the ground (who pushes her away when he gets up, still very freaked out, and runs away). Kurt takes care of Toad's pickpocketing, and Scott manages to take care of Lance. Rogue also takes out Blob, who was tearing up the stands. Kitty and Spyke manage to take out the news cameras that are recording the event as well. However, the X-Men have won only on the surface- in actuality, the Brotherhood's already won, as they've exposed the Mutants to the public. Storm soon comes and conjures up a rainstorm, putting out the various fires that are burning. Xavier congratulates Storm on putting out the fires, but Storm says that this stuff is only small cake- the secret is out. What are they going to do now? Xavier responds that it may not be- he may be able to alter the memory of all the people hear, convincing them all that something different happened. Storm says that it's too much, even for Xavier's mind- he can't mindwipe all those different people! Xavier responds that he really has no choice, and proceeds. He manages to alter everyone's memory, straining himself to his capacity, but faints during Principal Kelly's mindwipe- it was simply too much for him...
    Xavier wakes up back in the Mansion's medlab. Storm tells Xavier that his idea worked- the eyewitnesses there all believed that the damage a result of exploding mis-fired fireworks, according to the news. Scott admits that the Xavier was right- it seems that world just isn't ready for Mutants yet. Xavier asks about the news broadcast of the game, and Logan responds that it was shut off of the air seconds before the incident started, due to some "weird magnetic interference". It appears that Magneto is still alive, after all...
    Xavier says that he's still concerned about Principal Kelly, though. He hadn't quite finished the job before he blacked out... The screen then fades to reveal Kelly looking out the window of his office, apparently very troubled. The end. Dun dun!!!

Last Words: This episode was a very nice beginning to the second season, and put out the idea of Mutants being publically exposed in a very well-done, serious way. The characterization of the Brotherhood with no one to lead them was done nicely, too, and the dialogue was rather good throughout most of the episode was well. However, Xavier's mindwiping of the audience seemed a bit... immoral, even if it WOULD have prevented their persecution, and it seemed a bit too coincidental that he managed to wipe everyone's mind except Principal Kelly's. The appearance of the New Mutants was great, and definitely helped fill out the Institute. However, for their first appearance, it was a bit too brief, and I would have liked to see a bit of a background for them. Eventually, I learned that these characters were added from a request to fill out the Institute's ranks, and were never meant to be main characters, so I can forgive this a little. We still should have seen a bit more of them, however. Still, rather minor quibbles in what was, overall, a great episode.

(NOTE: There was a cut scene from this episode, which wasn't much, but it DID show Lance rescuing Kitty from a falling flaming statue, which proved that he really DID care for her, albeit in a somewhat demented way.)

Overall Rating: 9/10 Excellent

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