Blackarachnia (Transmetal 2)
Blackarachnia Transmetal 2's Beast ModeBlackarachnia Transmetal 2's Robot ModeBlackarachnia Transmetal 2's Defense Mode
Allegiance: Maximal (although she has interchangable Maximal and Predacon orbs)
Size: Mega
Difficulty of Transformation: Hard
Color Scheme: Chrome red (sometimes fading into chrome silver and/or chrome black), light purple, purple, black, yellow, and brown-purple
Rating: 7.6

    Beast mode is a Transmetal 2 black widow spider. The primary color of this mode is transmetal red, rather than black, unlike other black widow spiders. This mode looks very nice, and, like most other Transmetal 2s, has a nice "freaky" look to it. There are very few extras in this mode; only part of Blackarachnia's robot mode feet sticking out of her abdomen, the back of her robot mode head on her beast mode rear, and her robot mode arms sticking out from under her head. While the head and feet extras can be easily ignored, the arm extras are extremely noticeable, and make this toy look like if has ten spider legs instead of eight. There are a few nice features in this mode as well; for one, Blackarachnia has a little disk on her upper abdomen that can change her spark orb from that of a Maximal's to that of a Predacon's. Part of her spider mouth and jaw can shoot out like a grappling hook- a nice effect, although there is no trigger or anything to fire it; you can only pull it out and let it reel itself back in.
    Robot mode is not as nice as the beast mode, but nice still. The details on thie mode, as well as the other one, are very nice and asymmetrical. My main complaint I have with this mode are that there are an enormous amount of extras on it- over half of this mode's weight is extras! (The majority of them are not put on the show version.) These include her extremely large shoulder pads, her spider thorax and upper abdomen on her back, two other shoulder pads that point upwards, and all eight of her spider legs. These greatly take away from the movement of the toy, although most of them do look nice. Her jaw-grappling-hook becomes a weapon in this mode, which is nice, except it doesn't fit in her hand very well- her fingers get in the way unless you have in an exact position. Wanna know why the production of this toy was delayed about six months (May 1999- November 1999)? Because of this purple bra that overlays her other transmetal red bra. Hasbro originally made it removable, but since parents obviously complained about this, they tried to glue the bra onto the rest of the toy. When that didn't work, they had to mold them all on. Here's an idea, Hasbro- FORGET THE STUPID THING! Anyway, there is another nice feature- Blackarachnia has a "roundhouse kick" action in her robot mode. When you push back her head, she's supposed to have her torso and legs automatically revolve once- but it doesn't work as well as it's supposed to, and her arms always disconnect from her body when you do this.
    Blackarachnia has a sort of third mode as well- in her robot mode, you can rotate her large shoulder pads down to create her "defense mode", which is essentially just her with a shield covering her. This mode reminds me of Transmetal Airazor's "shield mode".
    A very nice toy in beast mode, but this toy suffers heavily from extras and supposed "action features" that don't work very well in her robot mode. Very hard to transform the first few times as well.

Blackarachnia Transmetal 2 Bio:
FUNCTION: Saboteur
MOTTO: "I use deception for the purpose of good-- I use it a lot."
Stealing Megatron’s mysterious new technology, Blackarachnia - black rose of the
Maximals - succeeded in altering her Maximal protoform into a powerful Transmetal 2 structure. Despite her Predacon pride, she detests Megatron and fights for now with the Maximals. The definitive femme fatale, she despises life’s pleasantries. Fires strong venom pincers that operate as paralyzing claw, retrieving enemies from up to 100 meters. Electro disrupter housed in rear segment casts illusions altering her physical placement and appearance for up to 5 minutes. In robot mode she packs a deadly roundhouse kick. Generally concerned with her own self-preservation, Blackarachnia will at times astound with heroism, but cannot be fully trusted.
Strength: 5.5
Intelligence: 9.3
Speed: 7.2
Endurance: 6.8
Rank: 5.0
Courage: 7.6
Firepower: 6.1
Skill: 8.5

Review by Beastbot

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