Megatron (Beast Machines)
Megatron's Beast ModeMegatron's Robot ModeMegatron's Cloaked Mode
Allegiance: Vehicon
Size: Mega
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Color Scheme: Red, dull red, gold, transparent goldish yellow, black, dark violet, dark blue-gray, and some silver and sky blue
Similarity to counterpart: !!!
Rating: 8.1

    Beast mode is a dragon. As one can easily tell, the Beast Machines Megatron toy is based off of the Transmetal 2 Megatron toy, only scaled down, altered a bit for Beast Machines, and given a simpler transformation. In most ways, Beast Machines Megatron is inferior to his predecessor, but this does not necessarily make him a bad toy, as many Transfans would have you believe- overall, Beast Machines Megatron is still quite a good toy. When one first sees this toy on the shelves, the first thought that would probably enter one's head is "Man, this toy is small for a Mega". Indeed, this toy is very small for a Mega- almost deluxe-sized, in fact. The huge wings are what give Megatron his volume. These huge wings are also what make this beast mode look so cool. They give Megs sort of a mysterious look. They don't hold up very well, however, since they're so big, and eventually slump downward if you put them in any raised position. The detailing in this mode is also exquisite, and, in certain areas, is a bit uneven, giving Megatron a slight TM2 look, although it's not as obvious as it was in the Transmetal 2 toy. Compared to the TM2 form, however, Megatron's beast mode looks very skinny and puny. His main body is only slightly thicker than my thumb, and his tiny arms are way too small. It is also very obvious that the arms are not in any way connected to the main body, which adds to their oddity. Megatron's action gimmick is a "snapping attack jaw", which really doesn't work that well. What is supposed to happen is that, if you pull the head back and let it go, it will strike forward, snapping its mouth shut, but it almost never snaps, it only lunges forward. Still, at least the "lunging action" is pretty cool, even though it does interfere with neck and head posability some. The dragon head looks very cool, by the way. One last downside to this mode is that the robot hand, "hidden" inside the tail, is blatantly obvious- it would be better if Hasbro somehow disguised it a little better. Megatron is also a bit unstable in this mode, as most of his weight is distributed to the back- he may fall on his tail.
    Robot mode is pretty neat, and again, it resembles his Transmetal 2 form somewhat. What's cool is that Megatron's face is molded wearing his neat-looking helmet from the show, which is a nice touch. Megatron stays pretty stable in this mode, which is an improvement over the beast mode- however, his left arm (the dragon head) still suffers from lack of posability, but at least it's not bad as Transmetal 2 Megatron's wiggly dragon head-hand. I still think heads for hands aren't a good idea, though. Megatron's right hand also has a large extra hanging off of it, the dragon tail, which doesn't help that hand, either. Also, the dragon hands that form the stomach don't fit together that well, and can come out of place easily, leaving some cracks and crevices between Megatron's body and legs. Even though I've focused a lot on the downsides of this mode, this is still a pretty good mode, what with the large wings, decent posability, and great detailing. The spark crystal is under the sky blue panel on Megatron's chest.
    Megatron also has a "cloaked" mode, the one he's in in most of Season 1 of Beast Machines. However, there are no arms in this mode, which is a pretty big letdown, as it mostly ruins the playability of this mode. Megatron's cloak covers up most of him except for his head and dragon feet. An interesting thing to note about this mode is that some toys are able to get the cloak mode to fit together well, but other Beast Machines Megatron toys are not (mine fits into this category). If your toy fits into the latter category, this pretty much makes the cloaked mode not worthwhile at all, with zero playability and looks.
    A good, show-accurate toy in and of itself; I guess it's just overlooked so much because it's inferior to the Transmetal 2 Megatron toy.

Megatron Bio:
FUNCTION: Predacon Vehicon Leader
MOTTO: "Purification is the key to our salvation!"
The leader of the new world order on Cybertron, Megatron has focused his ruthless energies on a new mission: to restore the machine-like purity of the Transformers. Creating a devastating virus that wiped out the inhabitants on Cybertron, Megatron populated the planet with Vehicons - vehicle Transformers with no spark. In robot mode - his preferred mode - Megatron plugs into his diagnostic drone, which controls every aspect of Cybertron. In beast mode, powerful jaws can crush all metals and alloys with ease. Breathes fire or ice. Will stop at nothing to fulfill his twisted vision of a new order.
Strength: 9.9
Intelligence: 9.9
Speed: 9.9
Endurance: 9.9
Rank: 10.0
Courage: 10.0
Firepower: 10.0
Skill: 10.0

Review by Beastbot

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