Scavenger (Beast Machines)
Scavenger's Vehicle ModeScavenger's Robot Mode
Allegiance: Vehicon
Size: Basic
Difficulty of Transformation: Easy
Color Scheme: Bright orange, army green, black, transparent light orange, and some silver and chrome silver
Rating: 7.4

    Vehicle mode is named on the box as a "destruction vehicle". It looks somewhat like a crane with a mouth, front tank treads, and claws in back of it. This mode looks VERY cool, especially the menacing face on the top of the crane with a gun and rocket launcher. The weapons, however, don't fire. Ah, well. There is a little lever on the middle part of the crane's neck that you can push and pull to make his mouth open and close. A very nice effect. Although the tank treads themselves don't actually move, there are small transparent light orange wheels on one end of them to compensate for this. It is very hard to tell exactly what extras there are, if there are any, in this mode, because it is not directly related to any known vehicle or creature. The only extras that may be on this mode are the obvious robot legs in between his tank treads. The spark orb is inside a panel on the main vehicle body's side. A very impressive vehicle mode indeed.
    Robot mode isn't as good as the vehicle mode, in my opinion, but still looks kinda cool. The transmetal silver claws with the red tips are a nice effect, as is the weapons on both sides of Scavenger's chest and his slight hunch. This mode is not, however, without its problems. The most obvious problem is the ridiculously small head Scavenger has in this mode. It looks like he's peeking his head out of his chest, trying to see if it's safe to poke all of his head out. This makes this toy look less menacing, in my opinion. Another problem can only be seen when you turn this mode to its side. Scavenger's main body looks very wide in this mode, as his back seems to stick farther past his shoulder blades than it's supposed to, and this looks odd. The third and final problem I have with this mode is that when viewed from the front, it looks like the robot's missing something There's a large and noticeable gap between the sides of his main body and the center of it, especially on the right side, and trying to cover it up with his chest-mounted weapons doesn't help much. The transformation instructions suggest that you rotate Scavenger's tank treads on his robot legs so that they rest behind him, but this looks odd. I suggest you rotate them 90 degrees and leave them at the sides of his legs; it looks a little better, in my opinion.
    A very nice transformer, although Hasbro sacrificed some things in robot mode to give this fig a good vehicle mode.

Scavenger Bio:
FUNCTION: Demolition Drone
MOTTO: "The road to ruin is short when I'm driving."
Perhaps Megatron's most horrific invention ever is his army of programmable drones which unquestionably serve his every wish. Falling under Tankor's charge of specialized tank drones, Scavenger's application is focused on one thing: brute force. Heavy armor makes Scavenger practically unstoppable. Galva-conductors on his back channel deadly electric currents. Enjoys nothing more than getting out and wrecking something.
Strength: 8.0
Intelligence: 2.0
Speed: 4.0
Endurance: 6.0
Rank: 4.0
Courage: 9.0
Firepower: 7.0
Skill: 5.0

Review by Beastbot

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