Boom Boom
Boom Boom (Normal)Boom Boom (X-Men Costume)Boom Boom (Vigilante Costume)

Real Name: Tabitha Smith

Mutant Power: Ability to create small orbs of unstable energy of varying power that explode a few seconds after being created

Voice Actor: Megan Leitch

First Appearance: "Growing Pains"

Back Story: Tabitha, using her powers, had been coerced to break into bank vaults and the like by her criminal father many times since her Mutant powers manifested themselves. Finally, her mother, tired of seeing Tabitha's mutant powers being misused, sent Tabitha off to the Xavier Institute, without her father's knowledge. Tabitha's mom gave Xavier very explicit instructions NOT to let her father come near her. Eventually, though, Tabitha's dad did track Tabitha down, and managed to meet her long enough to convince her to break into one last vault for him. After the heist blew up in their faces (pun not intended), Tabitha left her short stint with the X-Men for the Brotherhood, figuring she fit in better there. Eventually, though, Mystique showed up back at the Brotherhood House, and they did NOT get along. So Tabitha left, after blowing up Mystique's bedroom. Heheh. According to the writers, she's now on her own, but still keeps in touch with the X-Men (especially her friend Amara) and visits once and a while.

Personality: Boom Boom's lack of proper parenting definitely shows- simply put, she's a jerk. She effectively uses people to get what she wants, as long as no one's physically harmed (like Nightcrawler, for instance). She's very sarcastic, and doesn't think it's a big deal if the rules are broken, as long as she has fun doing it. And that's pretty much what she dedicates her life to- fun. She's practically never serious, unless it involves her father. She loves fooling around, even during practice sessions, much to the frustration of (most of) the other X-Men. As such, she's earned a reputation for not quite being "all there". And she's definitely a "take charge" kind of person- heck, during her stint with the Brotherhood, she unofficially WAS in charge. She can't stand being talked down to. She really is a rebel without a cause- being too "unprincipled" to fit in with the X-Men, but too unwilling to physically hurt others to stay with the Brotherhood. However, despite the fact that if she was a real person, you couldn't stand being around her, she's actually quite hilarious on the show. She's my second favorite character (next to Toad). She had the biggest part of any of the New Mutants during Season 2, but her involvement in the plotline has pretty much ceased for Seasons 3 and 4. Awww.... Boom Boom has also developed a good friendship with Magma- pretty much the only really good friend she has, to be honest. She's still the dominating one in the friendship, as you would expect, but she certainly still listens to Magma's comments.

Final Reflections: Boom Boom was a hoot, and a great character with an original personality. I really liked her Brotherhood stint in Season 2, although it was a shame she only really had a decent part in 2 episodes during the latter half of the series. This is defnitely one of the characters I'll miss the most.

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