Booster X10
mp3 Player ModeBeast Mode
Allegiance: Decepticon
Size: Scout
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Black, moderately light red, transparent orange, and some silver, metallic gold, and dull yellowish orange
Rating: 8.7

    Booster's alternate mode is a portable micro mp3 player and a headphone. It's just about the right scale, if slightly wider than an actual micro player would be, but overall proportionally this mode is perfect. There's no robot extras whatsoever, too, which is always nice. The light red and black color scheme isn't very original, but it does go together very well, and the silver and transparent orange make great accent colors, so no problems there either. I do have to admit that, as flawless as this mode is from a design perspective, it is rather boring. None of hte large buttons on the front of the micro mp3 player can be pushed in, and unlike on the the other Real Gear toys, Booster doesn't have a fake "display screen" paint app, just a transparent orange window that actually shows you just the bottom of the bird head and neck. That's really a bummer, as if only that had been covered up with a nice fake display screen, this mode would have been much better and more convincing, in my opinion. I'm also minorly irked that the headphone can't attach to the mp3 player portion of Booster in any way in this mode-- maybe being attached to the mp3 player portion by a "cord" of black string would have been preferable to it just being a seperate piece completely.
    Booster's bird mode is where it's at, though. Not only is it a completely different "robot mode" than the other Real Gear toys, making it more unique, but considering the overall aesthetics and color scheme, it's definitely a homage to G1 Laserbeak, a bird who transformed into a tape cassette. There's also no real alternate mode extras that don't fit seemlessly into the look of this mode-- the halves of the mp3 player "shell" make great wings, as does the bottom third of it make a great "tail feather" piece. Making the headphone a big back-mounted gun was also a really cool idea as well. The detailing on the bird head is pefect, with the gold eyes slitted and making it look rather evil. Using the transparent orange plastic for the feathers also gives Booster a bit of a "fiery" touch, which is pretty darn cool, too. The bird proportions are also pretty accurate, too-- small feet, large wings, etc. Booster's articulation is also rahter good for a toy of this size and shape-- he can move at the base of the neck, the upper legs, the knees, the ankles, the base of the wings (at two points), and about halfway up each wing. That last point of articulation is rather limited, though-- the wings can fold up, but they can't open farther than they're shown in the picture above.
    Booster X10 is a great, unique Real Gear toy with an AWESOME bird mode. His somewhat dull, unconvincing mp3 player mode (with no display screen!) is the only thing keeping him from getting a "must buy" rating of 9.0+, though even then the mp3 player is perfect proportionally and has no bird mode extras at all.

Booster X10 Bio:
"Download, Distribute, Destroy"
Booster X10 is a mean-spirited trickster with a talent for toying with people. Sophisticated hypersonics allow him to distort any audio signal, even simple speech. His favorite trick is to wait in his victim’s pocket and alter incoming sounds to cause accidents and arguments. He loves seeing how much trouble he can cause just by changing the sound of a word here, or making a racing ambulance sound like a barking dog.
Strength: 5.0
Intelligence: 9.0
Speed: 3.0
Endurance: 5.0
Rank: 6.0
Courage: 8.0
Fireblast: 3.0
Skill: 7.0

Review by Beastbot

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