Vehicle ModeRobot Mode (with Cyber Key gimmick activated)
Allegiance: Autobot
Size: Scout (Basic)
Homeworld: Speed Planet
Cyber Key Code: s5f3
Difficulty of Transformation: Easy
Color Scheme: Light gray, charcoal black, metallic bronze, transparent greenish yellow, and some yellow
Rating: 9.4

    Brakedown's vehicle mode is... something. It probably ties with Crumplezone's for the least recognizable Speed Planet vehicle, in that it has no Earth counterpart. Regardless, it looks really, really cool; large, dragster-esque wheels in the back, smaller front wheels inside a sled-like front half, a small cockpit with no roof, and several exhaust pipes in the back end make it look very unique. The color scheme of black, bronze, and light gray is top-notch, and though I think maybe making the transparent parts red or smoky black would've worked a little better, the color that he's given by no means clashes with the others. He's also got some great mold detailing like hydraulic cylinders and springs, as well as some good paint detailing like his bronze racing stripes. One major complaint that many seem to have with Brakedown is that you can't insert his Cyber Key in this mode anywhere, and this is a little annoying, but not a deal-breaker, as I don't think his gimmick (discussed later) is all that great anyway. There are a few somewhat obvious robot parts in this mode, such as his the fact that the back end of the car mode is rather obviously the robot chest, and if you look at the top of the main body of the vehicle, Brakedown's robot head is somewhat noticeable, though the sensory dish molded on top of it in this mode helps hide it some. Still, a very solid mode.
    As good as his vehicle mode is, Brakedown's robot mode is even better. GREAT proportions, and good articulations too-- he can move at any major point except the waist, and most of these are on ball joints. He has a little kibble-- the backpack made up of part of the front half of his vehicle mode-- but this stays out of the way and doesn't look too odd, so it's easily overlooked. I love how well his other vehicle parts integrate so well into his robot mode-- how his rear wheels look like big biceps on his arms, and how his exhaust pipes look like abdominal muscles. Truth be told, if it wasn't for the "beard" on his robot face, I never would've thought this guy was supposed to be an old timer, but some kinda butt-kicking ninja anti-hero. The light piping also works very well in his eyes, so they can glow with relatively little light. I have only two real complaints about this mode; first, his lower arms are pathetically small. His arms look like they're nearly all biceps because of this. Also, his Cyber Key gimmick is kinda uninspired-- plug the Cyber Key in to the little hand-held piece that pops out in this mode, and a knife flips out. It's at a big of a downward angle from the rest of the hand-held piece, however, so it almost looks like the knife is "drooping" a bit. Brakedown also can't move his arms up at the elbows while holding this weapon, and the way his arms are attached to his body, it looks a little odd if he points it straight out in front of him. Still, if you don't like his weapon, you can store it on his back.
    Brakedown is a fantastic toy, and one of my favorite scouts of the line. Great-looking in both modes, great color scheme, great proportions and articulation-- his Cyber Key gimmick is rather lame, and his lower arms are too teeny, but those are his only glaring flaws. Highly recommended.

Brakedown Bio:
An old racer on his last lap, Brakedown was the fastest around in his day. He knows every inch of track on the Speed Planet, and while his systems can't keep up with the supercharged speed of younger robots this old speed demon's still got one or two tricks up his sleeve. With his pipes rusting through and his suspension grown brittle with age, he's got to rely on Clocker, to whom he's passed his knowledge of the Great Race.
Strength: 5.0
Intelligence: 8.5
Speed: 6.5
Endurance: 7.0
Rank: 5.0
Courage: 6.0
Fireblast: 4.5
Skill: 9.0

Review by Beastbot

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