
Mutant Power: Superhuman senses (better sense of smell, hearing, able to see in the dark, etc.)

Voice Actor: Saffron Henderson

First Appearance: "X-Treme Measures"

Back Story: At an indeterminate time in the past, Callisto, tired of being treated as an outcast because of her odd looks, got together with another Mutant, Caliban. Caliban had the ability to locate other Mutants, and with his help, Callisto established a community of Mutant outcasts in the sewers. They called themselves the Morlocks, and they've been living there (albeit unhappily) to this day, under Callisto's command.

Personality: Callisto's a gray character, and you know how I love those! Tired of being persecuted by others because of her physical appearance, Callisto has grown bitter towards humanity and essentially treated them likewise. Callisto prefers to stay seperated from humankind, and hates most of the above-ground dwellers. She also strikes out against any person oppressing the Morlocks (intentionally or not) without hesitation. However, she's also a very caring individual when it comes to her Morlocks, and will do practically anything for them. And you can certainly understand where she's coming from with her view on humanity, so... I kinda like her.

Final Reflections: Callisto was a very interesting character in the series- one of the many that should've been explored more, had there been enough time. Not really into protecting humanity, but not to the point of attacking them for no reason either, she was probably the character you'd have the most trouble classifying them as "good" or "bad" in the entire series. One thing I didn't like about the Evo version of Callisto, though, was how relatively small they made the scars on her face when compared to the older versions. Unlike the other Morlocks, Callisto just looks like she got into a fight sometime in her life, and not at all like an actual Mutant. I think as the leader of the Morlocks, she should've at least been somewhat more deformed or ugly.

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