
Mutant Power: Ability to locate other Mutants mentally

Voice Actor: Michael Dobson (who also does the voice of Starscream in Armada and Energon, and also does the X-M:E voices of Blob and Pyro)

First Appearance: "Day of Recovery"

Back Story: Caliban was recruited by Morlock founder Callisto to help locate other physically deformed Mutants to become a part of their little team. He agreed, and he's been completely loyal to the Morlocks ever since.

Personality: Caliban's never happy about anything, probably due to his past, as he was no doubt persecuted because of his zombie-ish looks. He's also indifferent on all but the most serious matters, so he's not the most expressive of characters. He tends to view all "outsiders" with even more suspicion than other Morlocks, for reasons as yet unknown. However, he also doesn't let others push him around, unless they're obviously much more powerful than him.

Final Reflections: Not really much to say about Caliban. He definitely played a background role in the series. Maybe an episode dedicated to the Morlock's past would have helped his character some. But as it is, usually what I think of when I see him is, "Braaaiinnsss.... Zombie eat braaaiiinnsss..."

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