Cannonball (Normal)Cannonball (Costume)

Real Name: Sam Guthrie

Mutant Power: Ability to create a force barrier in front of him once he reaches a certain speed; starts flying when he reaches that speed, and the force barrier can punch its way through almost any substance.

Voice Actor: Bill Switzer

First Appearance: "Growing Pains"

Back Story: Er... Cannonball really doesn't have a back story- at least, none that's given. He was just "there" as one of the new recruits in the second season opener "Growing Pains".

Personality: Out of the New Mutants, Cannonball has been one that's been given the short end of the stick (along with Sunspot and Wolfsbane). He's rarely even talked, and if he has, it's mostly been in a background or supporting role. As such, he really doesn't have that fleshed-out of a personality. He's apparenly a bit of a mischievous troublemaker, although he usually knows when to get serious. He's also pretty good buddies with his like-minded friend, Iceman. Not much other than that was revealed about him.

Final Reflections: Even though he wasn't annoying, so I didn't at all mind him, Cannonball really was one of the more forgettable characters of Evo. He really didn't have any significant personality quirks, and he didn't get a whole lot of lines. Plus, he didn't really use his powers in many combat situations, which would have been cool to see. Even though he didn't really get any episode to himself, given his unremarkable personality, I can't really see where'd the writers would have gone with him, anyways.

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