Obi-Wan Kenobi (Class I; Episode III Starfighter)
Vehicle ModeMech Mode
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Moderately dark dull red, swirly metallic gray, moderately light pale orange, light tan, and some silver, transparent light blue, light sky blue, metallic copper, black, white, dark brown, and pale yellow
Rating: 7.5

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to Class I Episode III Starfighter Anakin Skywalker. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of Class I Episode III Starfighter Anakin Skywalker here.)

    Well, things have finally come full circle. The "Class II" Obi-Wan Kenobi from the Episode III Starfighter was in the very first wave of Star Wars Transformers, so I suppose it's only fitting that we get a smaller version of that design for what would be the last wave of Star Wars Transformers (at least as of this review, 9/14). Obi-Wan keeps his primarily dark flat red paint apps that his various Starfighters have had for a while now in vehicle mode, and they contrast with the gray and silver paint just as well as they ever have (i.e., pretty well). The gray plastic-- normally a rather boring color-- has a bit of a metallic swirl to it, and a fair amount of it is painted silver too, so even the "boring" color looks decent on this toy. The black-and-white paint apps underneath the fold-out wing sections also look really great, adding more to the look than you'd think. In mech mode, Obi-Wan's color scheme has been changed a bit to ape his usual outfit, so his "mech-only" parts are either light pale orange, light tan, or a paleish yellow. The sheer number of paint apps and how they all come together is impressive even for a Star Wars Transformer here, and the bits of copper, dark red, and brown plastic on his arm-wings and lower legs help to enhance the color scheme even more.
    No mold changes have been made to this version of Obi-Wan-- beyond the usual headsculpt change. Compared to most other SWTFs, this sculpt of Obi-Wan's face is more robotic-looking and angled (particularly with the "hair" detailing), which I'm all for. The metallic copper looks great against the silver face and light blue eyes, as well.
    This latest version of Obi-Wan Kenobi as a Episode III Starfighter is the best color scheme he's had on this alt mode, with a few extra paint apps added to the usual dull-red-and-gray color scheme not only in vehicle mode (the black and white under the wings), but to his mech mode colors as well, which are simply magnificent. The brown-orange-tan-yellow mix complements the mode very well, even ignoring that they're suppose to mimic his clothes. Recommended over the Anakin version of this mold, though I think the Vader version slightly edges him out, and the mold design itself is admittedly medicore.

Obi-Wan Kenobi (Class I Episode III Starfighter) Bio:
Obi-Wan Kenobi pilots his Jedi starfighter to the lair of General Grievous. The building is surrounded by MagnaGuard droids, but the Jedi is prepared. He converts his starfighter into an enormous robot to battle the general’s deadly bodyguards.

Review by Beastbot

(Pics from Hasbro.)

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