Ironhide (Cyber Slammer)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Black, dull greenish teal, and some silver, light sky blue, metallic silvery blue, light orange, muddy dull light brown, dark blue, and dull red
Rating: 4.6

    Ironhide's truck mode is one of the most chibi-fied of all the Cyber Slammers, which is really saying something. The front bumper is really short and squat, as is the truck bed, and the windows don't rise very far about the main body of the truck. The mold detailing is also somewhat sparse and has rounded edges. Of course, all of this is sort of the point of the Cyber Slammers, so these aren't negatives in the case of this toy. I am impressed with the amount of paint detailing on the figure, though-- there's tons of highlight colors, such as the light orange on the headlights, the red detailing on the GMC logo, and the blue on the rooflights. It all comes together really well. I particularly like the spray-painted "mud splatter" paint apps behind the front tires.
    Like all Cyber Slammers, Ironhide can be locked in truck mode by pushing the white tab on the bottom of the toy forward-- otherwise, when you slam down Ironhide's robot body into his vehicle mode, the truck will take off (providing he's on a flat surface), and after scooting about six feet or so the robot mode body will pop back up again. Because of this gimmick, Ironhide doesn't really have any lower body in robot mode, just most of his truck mode. His main body, head, and arms are molded onto the underside of his truck mode roof and doors. Still, the detailing on the robot parts is fairly good, with plenty of movie-accurate detailing, particularly on the chest and abdomen. Two negatives, however-- first, Ironhide's slightly messed-up right optic in the movie is grossly overexaggerated on this toy, with it looking like he has a black eye. Second, Because of the size of his doors, his lower arms are way too small proportionally and rather stiff-looking, and the guns on his lower arms, which are supposed to be one of his major features, are barely visible. Like the other Cyber Slammers, Ironhide's articulation is very limited-- his head can move from side to side and his arms can move back-and-forth at the shoulders, though the shoulders snap back into their default position once you let go of them.
    Cyber Slammer Ironhide is about middle-of-the-road as far as Cyber Slammers go, with some great paint detailing (particularly in vehicle mode) and some nice details, but his arms are way too tiny in robot mode. Still, great for the young-uns.

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Review by Beastbot

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