Patrol Barricade (Cyber Slammer)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Decepticon
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Dull milky light blue, black, and some sky blue, light red, dark metallic silvery blue, silver, and pale yellow
Rating: 4.9

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to the original Cyber Slammer Barricade toy. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of the original Cyber Slammer Barricade toy here.)

    Even though he's a kiddy toy aimed at very young Transformers fans-in-the-making, I like Patrol Barricade's colors considerably better than the mainline repaint Recon Barricade toy he's based on. (Why they re-named him Patrol Barricade, I have no idea-- maybe it sounds more "kid-friendly" than "Recon".) Instead of being mostly a dull gray, Patrol Barricade's main color is a light blue with a bit of glitter mixed in with the metal to make it look semi-shiny. It really works quite well as a main color, and Barricade's prequisite black coloration-- this time used as a secondary color-- goes very well with it. The light blue "SHERIFF" markings and lines on the side doors not so much, though, as they're a bit TOO close in shade to the main color of blue. The other painted details on Patrol Barricade look great, though, including the silver headlights, bright red taillights, red/blue siren, and a bit of use of pale yellow for the second pair of headlights also looks quite good. The dark metallic silvery blue used for the windows, as opposed to being a lighter color, also helps the toy look more "evil" in its chibified vehicle mode than it otherwise would have, which I think helps add to the intended effect. (I don't care how light-colored that face, is, though, Barricade's robot face just does NOT belong on an otherwise cutesy toy like this.)
    No mold changes were made to Patrol Barricade.
    Patrol Barricade is a pretty nice repaint of the Cyber Slammer Barricade mold, and certainly has a more attractive scheme than Recon Barricade. Still, though, nothing fits a police car quite like black, and Barricade is no exception, so I'd still recommend the original Cyber Slammer toy slightly over this one.

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Review by Beastbot

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