Megatron (Deluxe, Cybertron)
Beast ModeRobot Mode (with Cyber Key gimmick activated)
Allegiance: Decepticon
Size: Deluxe
Homeworld: Jungle Planet
Cyber Key Code: ds9g
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Color Scheme: Light milky forest green, dark forest green, dark brown, dull milky bronze, and some light purple, dull greenish gold, silver, dull metallic light green, black, and light red
Rating: 9.1

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to Beast Wars 10th Anniversary Megatron. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of Beast Wars 10th Anniversary Megatron here.)

    Megatron's temporary form for the Jungle Planet was originally planned to be released in the Cybertron line in the first place-- hence, the Cyber Key gimmick and the Jungle Planet technorganicky detailing. However, once the Beast Wars 10th Anniversary line was planned, this mold was also first released in that subline in different colors accurate to the Beast Wars TV show, given that the mold is an obvious homage to the first Beast Wars Megatron toy. Here, the toy sees its original intended release in the main Cybertron line.
    Anyways, this Jungle Planet form of Megatron is in a really spiffy, original color scheme, let me tell ya. The two different shades of green used for most of the T-rex mode parts are very nice shades and play well off of each other, and are different enough that it doesn't seem like there's "too much green" on the figure. The accent colors of brown and bronze are great contrasting colors, especially against the light green, and really give the toy more "color variety" in robot mode to differentiate it from the beast mode more. Some people have a problem with the light purple used, and although I agree that it could stand to be a shade or two darker, I still think it adds a nice variety to the color scheme so that it's not all "rain forest" colors, and it's used sparingly enough where it doesn't make the toy look too garish. This version of Megatron is especially impressive when it comes to the number of paint apps on it-- it's almost covered in the stuff, and all of them look great and contrast very nicely with their surrounding colors. The combination of brown scales and a greenish-gold fade on the back of the T-rex mode is one of the most well-put-together color patterns I've seen on a toy from this line, as well. The dull metallic light green paint used on the robot chest also looks very nice and gives some more detailing to that spot, which was ignored too much on 10th Anniversary Megatron, I think. Heck, this version of Megatron DEFINITELY has more paint apps than his 10th Anniversary version does, it's no contest.
    No mold changes have been made to Jungle Planet Megatron.
    The deluxe "Jungle Planet" version of Cybertron Megatron has an extremely well thought-out color scheme, and all of the colors play off of each other beautifully. Given that he has more paint applications than the Beast Wars 10th Anniversary version of this mold, and a better color scheme, AND it's $5 cheaper, unless you're a huge fan of Beast Wars Megatron and simply HAVE to have him in show-accurate colors, I'd definitely recommend this toy over its previous release.

Megatron (Deluxe) Bio:
Though he was initially frustrated by the mutation of his body caused by the chaotic influence of the Jungle Planet Key, Megatron has come to enjoy the terror of the residents of the Jungle Planet at his powerful jaw and razor sharp teeth, and the shake of the ground at his every step. Now, he crashes through the jungle, swatting giant trees aside with his powerful tail, blazing a path of destruction so complete that Optimus Prime can't help but notice. He can't wait to feel the Autobot leader struggling in his crushing jaw.
Strength: 10.0
Intelligence: 10.0
Speed: 10.0
Endurance: 9.5
Rank: 10.0
Courage: 10.0
Fireblast: 10.0
Skill: 10.0

Review by Beastbot

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