Slapper (Dinobot, Wal-Mart Exclusive)
Beast ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Size: Basic (comes in a Deluxe-priced two-pack with Triceradon)
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Hard
Color Scheme: Light silver-gray, light red, and some bronze and light green
Rating: 5.6

    Beast mode is an ankylosaurus. Slapper is one of the two Transformers: Dinobots that is a brand new mold for the U.S. (although not for Japan); that of Bazooka from Beast Wars Neo. Although the mold detailing and paint detailing on this mode is VERY good, this mode suffers from two very severe problems. The first is lack of good articulation- all Slapper can move in this mode is his jaw, his legs at the hips, and his tail in one place that looks rather unnatural. So he's pretty much stuck in a "backed-into-a-corner" pose as shown above, which really, REALLY limits his playability. The second is that half of his robot mode sticks out pretty obviously from below his armor plating, which ruins the look quite a bit. Also, Slapper's light red paint tends to come off a bit easier than I'd like, especially since it's on all those pointy spikes that can easily scrape on something. Oh, and that Autobot sigil on his forehead looks a bit stupid. As for his "gimmick" in this mode, push up on his tail until it locks into positon, then press the spike sticking a bit out of his left side (it's camoflauged rather nicely, actually) to activate a "tail slamming" gimmick in which it reverts back to its normal postion. The spring's rather weak, though, and it doesn't always work on both Slapper and his original mold, Bazooka...
    Before I get to the robot mode, an important word on the transformation of this 'bot: It's VERY annoying. It's rather easy to transform him into robot mode from beast mode, but visa versa is a pain in the butt, as you have to position each of his parts in an almost-exact position to get everything to fit correctly. It's not fun at all.
    As for the robot mode, it's quite a bit better than the beast mode when it comes to articulation- his head, shoulders, elbows, right hand, hips, knees, and feet (in 2 places) can move, which makes him pretty darn posable- although his feet are a little small, which affects his stability some. And, although the paint detailing is pretty good, it definitely shows that Slapper needs some more color variety- he's almost entirely just red and silver-gray, with just a little bronze and green. Some more colors on, say, his legs or arms would have been appreciated. However, I REALLY like Slapper's face- the horn cap and the horned bronze "beard" really look awesome. The Autobot sigil is tatooed on his belly- over a Beast Machines Dinobot spark crystal. Meh, that's kinda cheap, if you ask me. Slapper also has his ankylosaurus head for a left hand, but it actually looks pretty good, considering that it doesn't hinder the rest of the arm and serves as a kind of "claw". What really bugs me about this mode, though, is that his ankylosaurus shell parts are hanging all over the place! And they don't really look like much or attach to any body part to lock them in place, so they're basically just useless kibble. Meh.
    Slapper suffers from some major problems in both of his modes concerning the obvious showing of parts of the mode he's not in. Because of this and some articulation problems in beast mode, Slapper's only a very mediocre transformer.

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