(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to the Beast Machines Dinobot version of Triceradon. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of the Beast Machines Dinobot version of Triceradon here.)
This version of Triceradon
has essentially the same paint applications as the original Beast Machines
Dinobot version, but with different colors- meaning no real surprises,
here. Just a color scheme that hearkens a bit more back to the old G1 Dinobots.
In other words, kind of a light gray with some silver and yellow or gold
(in this case, yellow). At least, the beast mode does. The robot mode adds
some blue, for some reason or another. Normally, this wouldn't be so bad
if the blue didn't clash somewhat with the other colors. It's not horrible,
but this, coupled with the peach-gray flesh not quite suiting that of a
triceratops in my mind, puts it below the Beast Machines Dinobot Triceradon
on my list- the original had a more fitting colors scheme. Not to mention
that his robot face looks horrid, what with that cheese yellow for the
face and bright goblin green used for his eyes. Oh, and that Autobot symbol
looks stupid on the forehead, as always. And the Dinobot spark crystal
on his gun has an Autobot symbol painted over it. Cheap....
Triceradon has no mold
changes from his predecessor, so he retains all the flaws and features
in that department.
This version of Triceradon
has a bit worse of a color scheme than the original, but he IS noticeably
cheaper, and he's still the same toy essentially. It's up to you if the
price matters that much to you or not.
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Review by Beastbot