Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Decepticon
No. in Series: 14
Difficulty of Transformation: Hard
Color Scheme: Dull yellow, black, and some silver, metallic goldish yellow, dark red, dark transparent red, metallic orange, metallic red, chrome silver, clear plastic, and light milky gray
Rating: 8.4

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to Alternator Windcharger. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of Alternator Windcharger here.)

    Decepticharge was originally supposed to be Drag Strip, a G1 Decepticon with similar colors, but somewhere along the line the name got changed for some reason and we know have the first Alternator with a completely original name. Regardless, the yellow-and-black color scheme, though not exactly a new scheme, works well enough since it's not a bright shade or anything like that. The silver and gray secondary colors also help to give Decepticharge a bit more variety, though I still would have liked at least one more major secondary color thrown in the mix. The metallic yellowish gold used for the car roof and the "4" on the front hood, however, is a noticeably different shade than the yellow plastic used for the rest of the car, which can be slightly distracting. As for the remolding done, the robot head has been changed, for one-- it looks a bit nicer than the Windcharger head, I think, a bit more steamlined while still looking like this Decepticon means business. Unfortunately, his head can't tilt up much like it could on Windcharger because of the more elongated head structure. A rear spoiler has also been added to the car mode (which breaks in half and folds onto the sides of the stomach in robot mode), and the detachable convertible roof cover has now been remolded into a "normal" car roof. Decepticharge still comes with the same "retracted convertible roof" piece that Windcharger did, which is odd since this model of car doesn't have a retractable roof, not to mention it looks odd to have a convertible with racing logos on the side. And speaking of the racing logos, while I certainly don't mind the flaming "4" on the car doors and the "4" on the front hood, the other logos are obviously fake and not real corporate sponsors. I wouldn't care about something like that if it was on a mainline Transformer, but again, Alternators are all about the realism, so I think fake sponsorship logos are a bit of a no-no on these toys. Though at least the fake logos are nice (and sometimes obscure) Transformer nods; "Dinotron Racing Fuel", "Hyperlinq Racing", etc.
    Alternator Decepticharge is a pretty good remold, but I'm not too fond of the fake racing logos, and although the new color scheme is still good, it doesn't quite measure up to Windcharger's, so I'd have to recommend Decepticharge's predecessor more.

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Review by Beastbot

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