Toaster ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Decepticon
Size: Scout
Difficulty of Transformation: Easy
Color Scheme: Dull metallic silver, light milky gray, and some moderately dark bluish gray, light red, and dull metallic orange
Rating: 8.2

    Yay, finally a scout-class Transformer that's actually in the movie! And... he's a toaster! That will either make you really happy or really bored. I'm solidly in the former category. It's always nice to see Transformers branching out into more unconventional alt modes, and though Ejector's alt mode doesn't excite me as much as some others, it's a new one for TFs, which is rare in this day and age. However... it's a toaster, and that's really it. It's got a nice shade of metallic silver to give him that nice gleam, and his buttons are painted all all that, but you can't really do much with this mode. I guess you can twirl the plug by the piece of twine that connects it to the rest of the toy, I guess. As you'd expect from a Transformer who transforms into a box (more or less), there's telltale cracks in the alt mode, but otherwise there's no real robot mode extras. The side that the cord comes out of isn't painted like the others and is partially hollow, though. I guess that's the edge you point away from view (as in the above picture).
    Ejector has a pretty unique robot mode, too. The thing that sticks out the most is his big, cartoonish-looking oversized head that takes up practically all of his main body. It looks hilarious, but it's noticeably in stark contrast to the movie aesthetic. Again, you either like that or you don't. I'm charmed by it. Ejector also has four arms, though they both connect to the main body at one place, so he only two shoulders. Ejector's bottom half seems based loosely on a satyr (which is supported by the little horns on his head), with goat-esque legs that have incredibly tiny feet. Unfortunately, this means he's rather difficult to get to stand up straight. The plug/cord tail is a brilliant use of a piece of his toaster mode and fits in with his satyr look, and he doesn't really have any obvious toaster mode kibble-- there's a small bit of plastic hanging off his lower legs, but that's about it. The light orange "heating coil" detailing on his stomach and waist looks pretty cool and helps give him at least a bit of color, but again, he's a toaster, you're not gonna get a particularly eye-catching color scheme from his. As for articulation, he can move at the jaw (at two places), shoulders (at two places), the elbow at each arm, at the base of his fingers (as one piece) on the two arms closest to his main body, and at the hips, knees (at two places), and ankles. His leg movement is a bit two-dimensional, however (mostly just forward-to-back movement), and there's the aforementioned instability issue, so he's not as posable as he seems from that description.
    As a Transformer design by itself Ejector definitely isn't bad, though he does have a few minor problems, like an alt mode you can't do much with and somewhat limited articulation in robot mode. However, not only he is the first Transformer toaster, he also has a four-armed cartoony little demon-esque robot mode. That's where the majority of his charm comes from-- so if you're looking for a unique TF, you've found it. If you want a more serious-looking Transformer with a sleek alt mode, look elsewhere.

Ejector Bio:
Born mindless and driven by the heat pulsing in his tiny body, Ejector knows nothing but how to burn. Even when he was a simple toaster burning things was what he did best. Now that he's got a simple mind of his own, and flamethrowers to go with it, he lives to torch everything around him.
Strength: 2.0
Intelligence: 1.0
Speed: 3.0
Endurance: 3.0
Rank: 1.0
Courage: 10.0
Fireblast: 5.0
Skill: 2.0

Review by Beastbot

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