Arcee (Energon)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot (Omnicon)
Size: Basic
Difficulty of Transformation: Easy
Color Scheme: White, transparent pinkish red, black, light gray, and some metallic teal, metallic brick red, yellow, silver, deep blue, and salmon pink
Rating: 8.4

    Arcee, the popular G1 femme, finally gets a toy of her own (albeit it in a different incarnation), rather than just being a repaint. As her Energon self, Arcee is a sleek motorcycle. The actual toy in this mode is great- wonderful design all around, with no extras to speak of. Her mold detailing is great, without being so much as to make the toy lose its sleekness. The paint detailing is also awesome for a toy this small, and the teal and reddish-pink highlights are really nice contrasts against the white and black. (Thank goodness she wasn't just that awful sissy white-and-pink like her G1 forerunner!) The only real problem I have with this mode are the exhaust pipes on her sides, which form her Energon weapon in robot mode. They're just waaay too large proportionally, but even this wouldn't be so bad if they stayed in one place. Their peg holes are a bit on the loose side, which means the tend to wiggle around a bit if you don't keep her on a flat hard surface. The pegs on the bottom of these pieces (used to hold them together in weapon mode) also skim whatever surface you put her on, and usually actually lift one of Arcee's two wheels slightly above the flat surface- which means that when you roll Arcee along, what usually happens is that only one of her wheels will move while her two exhaust pipes just wiggle back and forth. Further playtesting REALLY should have been used to correct this.
    In robot mode, Arcee is alright. The wheels on her back help to complement her mode rather than just looking as vehicle extras, although I do wish they'd have some way of locking into a certain position. The motorcycle shield hanging off her butt looks kinda doofy, though, and I think the high heels need to go- yeah, she's a female, we get it. You don't exactly go charging into battle wearing high heels. Her proportions and overall color scheme and detailing are still great, however, and her face looks true to her G1 counterpart while still retaining some individuality. Although her face is still primarily pink with a round "helmet", instead of being completely round even on the backside, Energon Arcee's helmet turns into a wavy fin near the back. Which actually looks better than G1 Arcee's beehive doo, really. Arcee's articulation is also fairly good- she can move at the head, the shoulders, the hips, the knees (at two places), and side-to-side at the elbows. This last articulation point is the only one that's a bit restrictive, especially since it could have easily rotated front-to-back as well, given her design. Her arms are actually just her motorcycle seat halves, although they do have individually moving hand pieces on ball joints that come out of the lower halves of the arm. They're rather tiny proportionally, though. Her odd arm movement also allows her to only hold her Energon crossbow at a sideways angle, which looks rather odd in most poses. Especially given that her Energon crossbow is so HUUUGE when compared to the rest of her body- it's got to be 1/3rd of her total mass, right there. It borders on ludicrous. The Energon Crossbow also is only held together by one peg, so the main body of it tends to wiggle back and forth. This is especially baffling, since just one more peg would have made it very stable. The crossbow itself is your standard missile-firing device. It also has two Minicon ports on it, if you want to connect it to a larger Transformer. Arcee's Autobot spark crystal is, oddly enough, on her belly button. Given how big it is in proportion to her body, it really looks weird, especially when you fit her Energon chip on top of it- it's almost as if she has a bit of a pot belly.
    Although Arcee has the best vehicle mode out of any Omnicon (ignoring the Energon exhaust pipes), her robot mode, although fair, could use a bit of work, especially when it comes to her arms and the placement of her spark crystal. Still, she's a pretty good toy, as all the Omnicons are. But I'd recommend Strongarm or Skyblast over her, unless you're just a really big Arcee fan.

Arcee Bio:
MOTTO: "I know only two speeds: fast and faster!"
Arcee is a fast and feisty young Omnicon. She is a dedicated warrior who has proven, time and again, that she can fight alongside the best of her Autobot teammates. Her skills with an energon bow are unmatched. In vehicle mode, Arcee becomes a super fast sport bike and can outrun anyone who dares to challenge. Her loyalty to the Autobot cause is unquestionable, making her one of Optimus Prime’s greatest warriors.
Strength: 6.0
Intelligence: 5.0
Speed: 8.0
Endurance: 7.0
Rank: 5.0
Courage: 7.0
Fireblast: 8.0
Skill: 7.0

Review by Beastbot

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