Ion Blast Autobot Jazz (Fast Action Battler)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Size: Deluxe
Difficulty of Transformation: Easy
Color Scheme: Dull milky gray and some black, light metallic silvery blue, dark metallic bronze, light red, transparent light blue, yellow, and metallic bluish silver
Rating: 8.1

    Jazz's vehicle mode is a slightly kiddie-fied Pontiac Solstice, with its proportions a bit wider and "chubbier" than a real Solstice. Given that the Fast Action Battlers subline is aimed at a slightly younger audience than the mainline movie toys, this is certainly acceptable, though it is odd that the designers have tended to pick-and-choose which FABs get the kiddie-fied treatment and which don't. Anyways, this mode is pretty nice, with no robot extras except for the rather obvious bottoms of the robot feet on the rear end. The toy could also use a few more paint apps and mold detailing-- as is, there's waaay too much dull gray on this figure, which makes it look rather boring. Coating the gray plastic in silver paint, such as was done with some Alternators, would have made it look much MUCH better. Still, all the absolutely necessary details are there, at least.
    The robot mode design and transformation is hardly original, but it gets the job done and looks pretty nice all around too, except for the aforementioned dull color scheme. There is a cool "automorph" feature built into the toy as well-- as you rotate his waist into its robot mode position, his head flips up automatically and the middle of his chest pushes forward slightly. The proportions are pretty good-- better than the "real" mainline deluxe Jazz, in fact-- though the arms could be a tad longer and further away from the main body. (Really, the fact that Jazz doesn't have any real shoulders is my only main complaint with this mode.) His articulation is decent, though not spectacular, with movement at the shoulders, hips, and knees. He can also move at the waist, though it's on a spring and snaps back to the standard forward position if you let go of it-- it can also only rotate to the left until you let go of it, which is rahter odd... The roof of his car mode does hang off his back rather unceremoniously as kibble, but it isn't too cumbersome and doesn't affect articulation much, so I don't mind it. The mold detailing on Jazz's robot parts is drastically improved compared to his rather plain vehicle mode, with tubes, pistons, and other mechanical detailing all over the place-- it looks really nice. His face sculpt is awesome (ignoring the block of plastic behind his head), and is actually more movie-accurate than the mainline deluxe Jazz, since his antennae are shorter. As for Jazz's gimmick, his left arm is a standard spring-loaded missile launcher.
    Ion Blast Autobot Jazz is a fairly good figure, even if he wasn't a Fast Action Battler aimed at younger kids. He's got some pretty nice proportions in robot mode, a nearly kibble-less vehicle mode, nice detailing on his robot parts, and a non-intrusive gimmick. His only major downsides are his lack of robot mode shoulders and his dull color scheme. Even though he's not quite as movie-accurate as the normal mainline deluxe Jazz, I'd recommend this version slightly over that one because of the robot mode. Mildly recommended.

Ion Blast Autobot Jazz Bio:
Autobot Jazz is the embodiment of everything the Autobots stand for. Patient, kind and generous with the weak, he is a fierce warrior in defense of freedom across the universe. No matter how tough the fight gets, he is always an optimist, but when push comes to shove, no robot is tougher or more willing to go down fighting. His arm cannon fires powerful concussive blasts of sonic energy.
Strength: 6.0
Intelligence: 9.0
Speed: 8.0
Endurance: 7.0
Rank: 8.0
Courage: 9.0
Fireblast: 7.0
Skill: 8.0

Review by Beastbot

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