Rescue Torch Ratchet (Fast Action Battler)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Size: Deluxe
Difficulty of Transformation: Easy
Color Scheme: White, light red, black, and some dull bluish gray, light metallic silvery bluish gray, dull yellow, dark red, silver, metallic silvery blue, and sky blue
Rating: 7.4

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to Axe Attack Autobot Ratchet. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of Axe Attack Autobot Ratchet here.)

    Rescue Torch Ratchet's G1-esque color scheme is also based loosely on the mainline redeco Rescue Ratchet, though there are some major differences. The stripes on his sides are a bit thinner, and don't have the "heartbeat" sign that the mainline toy had. He also doesn't have "AMBULANCE" written on his front, it's just painted a near-solid red, along with the front bumper. Speaking of which, I'm really not fond of said red bumper-- that just looks really odd. The particular shade of red used for this toy is also a shade or two too bright, darkening it down a notch would have helped, particularly in robot mode. Also, one of the few deco problems I had with Rescue Ratchet-- the red face-- is also present on Rescue Torch Ratchet, and it looks just as ugly here. The white paint used on the red parts also isn't quite thick enough to do the job-- it takes on a distinctly reddish tint, as the plastic shows partially through it. Using, of all colors, BLACK for the plasma blast missile piece is also a questionable choice. Still, the metallic color used for the robot hands/face "tusks"/waist and the ambulance windows are excellent choices, and overall the color scheme contrasts with itself quite nicely.
    No mold changes have been made to Rescue Torch Ratchet.
    Rescue Torch Ratchet is a definite improvement over Axe Attack Ratchet in terms of the overall color scheme, though the mold itself still looks pretty weird in robot mode, and a few of the color choices or their placements are a little off. Recommended over the original FAB Ratchet, but if you're an older fan you may want to spring for the mainline Rescue Ratchet toy instead.

Rescue Torch Ratchet Bio:
Autobot Ratchet is devoted to saving lives no matter what form they take. He's decorated himself more like an Earth rescue vehicle to make that job easier. Sometimes, though, saving lives means acting as a warrior, rather than a medic, and that's why he keeps his torch fueled not just for healing, but for battle as well!
Strength: 4.0
Intelligence: 9.0
Speed: 6.0
Endurance: 9.0
Rank: 5.0
Courage: 10.0
Fireblast: 3.0
Skill: 10.0

Review by Beastbot

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