Missile Blast Skids (Fast Action Battler)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Difficulty of Transformation: Easy
Color Scheme: Moderately light green, charcoal gray, and some black, silver, light red, dull metallic bronzish gold, light electric blue, and moderately dull pale blue
Rating: 7.4

    Missile Blast Skids' vehicle mode is pretty standard fare for the Fast Action Battlers subline-- it's fairly accurate to the actual Chevy Spark vehicle, but with slightly more rounded edges and proportions, due to the nature of the line. He's got almost no robot mode extras, the only exception to this rule being the little heels and toes on the back end. He's got all the necessary details in this mode, including quite intricate detailing on his grill, which is pretty impressive for a FAB. Pretty much everything that needs to be painted in this mode is-- there's a nice dull shade of blue for his windows, nice silver headlights and red taillights, the black "skids" marks on the side doors, etc. The only exception to this seems to be his back end, where some molded-in details are bereft of some needed paint, presumably because they're not visible in robot mode. Another oddity is that Skids' rear and rear-side windows are painted gray, not blue like the front and front-side windows! As far as his color scheme goes, it's a nice take on Skids' overall scheme-- the green is a nice shade, being just a touch duller than it is on the mainline deluxe toy, and goes very well with the gray and blue, which make nice contrast colors. No complaints about his colors here.
    Skids' transformation is almost identical to FAB Bumblebee's, so it mostly shares the same results. I don't like the windows just sticking out of of the sides of his chest, and his lower legs have the huge shells of the back end of his vehicle mode sticking out behind them. Other than that, though, this mode is decent for a FAB. Granted, his proportions are off, but that's part of Skids' schtick. His legs are too short, and one of his arms bigger than the other, but that's how he's supposed to look. That said, his head is a bit too small (and oddly painted to make it look dirty, at that). There's also a noticeable gap between it and the chest. Additionally, his "gimp" arm is a bit TOO skinny. His right arm looks great, though, and has a really neat gimmick-- you can flip his hand around to reveal a spring-loaded missile launcher. (The missile can still be stored with Skids' hand in its "normal" configuration, but it looks a little odd sticking out of his elbow like that. A better option is to store it on the side of his "gimp" arm, where there's a hook for it.) The articulation is pretty decent for a toy from this line-- he can move at the head, shoulders, elbow on the right arm, and at the hips and knees. One thing he could stand to have a bit more of is paint detailing, though-- looks like the budget for it was almost used up in vehicle mode, as his "gimp" arm and face are the only robot parts to receive any paint on the toy. Which is a shame, since particularly on his waist he has some great mold detailing there.
    Missile Blast Skids is roughly average for a toy from the Fast Action Battler subline. His vehicle mode is generally great, as are his colors, gimmick, and detailing. His downsides do add up, though, such as some odd proportions in robot mode even for him and a unsightly gap between his head and chest. Still, I'd recommend this toy over the mainline deluxe, as it has a more coherent, solid-looking robot mode and is much easier to transform. If you can spring the money, though, I'd certainly recommend the far superior Human Alliance version of the character if you only want to get one Skids.

Missile Blast Skids Bio:
Just like his brother Mudflap, Autobot Skids idolizes the other Autobots. It's the chance of a lifetime to adventure alongside Bumblebee and Optimus Prime. Autobot Skids wants to impress his comrades so much that he'll take almost any chance to do something heroic.
Strength: 4.0
Intelligence: 6.0
Speed: 7.0
Endurance: 4.0
Rank: 2.0
Courage: 8.0
Fireblast: 5.0
Skill: 3.0

Review by Beastbot

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